From the NOR Dossiers
Pro Life Issues & Culture of Death
Be the Champion!
January-February 2025We’ve made little progress in convincing Americans that abortion is wrong, and now we don’t even have a major pro-life political party since the Republican abdication.
VIEW ARTICLEWhy Must Man Work?
January-February 2025That which is the first object of our making is not stuff but — like God — life itself, which means friendship, justice, generosity, love, peace, and children.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Rise & Fall of the Human Life Amendment
November 2024Dobbs was the triumph of the “states’ rights” approach to abortion, an approach that never had the consensus backing of the pro-life movement.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Eternal Advent of Pro-Life Activism
July-August 2024My friends have been jailed for “conspiracy against rights,” an Orwellian term the federal government is using to slap decade-long sentences on pro-life activists.
June 2024Abortion rates are sky high. Birth rates are at rock bottom. Americans are rejecting parenthood on a scale not seen before. What does this mean for our nation's future?
VIEW ARTICLELet Those Drive Who Have Minivans to Drive
April 2024There is no "home grown" or "thrift store" shortcut when it comes to obtaining a vehicle, and large vans are expensive.
VIEW ARTICLEReply from an American to a “Letter from an American”
January-February 2024Abortion was a crime in the extant states in 1868 and in the territories that became states after 1868 and the District of Columbia. Yet later, Roe was called “settled law”?
VIEW ARTICLEEngaging the Morally Unconscious Person
November 2023The appropriate message for such a person is a stern warning to “Wake up!” reminiscent of Jesus’ dismay at finding His disciples asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane.
September 2023Babies require their parents to inhabit the real world, to occupy time and space and physicality. Babies destroy gnostic escape; they are the anti-video game.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Case for Reviving the Rescue Movement
September 2023Unlike the invisible, nameless, voiceless, and forgettable preborn child, the rescuer is visible, named, memorable, and possesses a voice.
VIEW ARTICLEIt’s Time the Church Declared the Personhood of the Unborn
May 2023With our advanced scientific knowledge of fertilization and fetal development, there is really nothing standing in the way of a definitive doctrinal affirmation.
January-February 2023She wanted to fly in and meet. At the airport, he was disappointed by how she looked in person. But by that stage in his life, he didn’t think he could do better.
VIEW ARTICLESubsidiarity of the Body
January-February 2023The subsidiarity of the body is a testament to the theology of the body; it says that the human body is a marvel fit to host the human soul.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Pontifical Academy for What?
December 2022The Academy for Life’s horizons are so broad that it seems to have lost sight of its mission to promote and defend the Church’s pro-life teachings.
VIEW ARTICLEAfter Dobbs: What’s Next?
September 2022Our shared vocation as Christians is showing our neighbors that destroying preborn babies cannot be an act of justice, much less of love.
VIEW ARTICLEFrom the Narthex
June 2022Here we present samples of offerings in the Narthex, the NOR’s online blog.
VIEW ARTICLEBriefly Reviewed: January-February 2022
January-February 2022A review of Unborn Human Life and Fundamental Rights: Leading Constitutional Cases Under Scrutiny, edited by Pilar Zambrano and William L. Saunders.
VIEW ARTICLEA Common Grief, Re-observed
January-February 2022All Christian believers who affirm personhood from the moment of conception can appreciate the puzzle of the status of unborn children who never had the chance to receive baptism.
VIEW ARTICLEReverie Under the Shroud
December 2021We can resist what Pope Francis has called the “technocratic paradigm,” a technology-inspired ideology of acquisition, consumption, and control.
VIEW ARTICLEIs Human Life “Sacred”? A Taidan with Kevin Doak
October 2021Our bodies and our lives are tools at the service of the Kingdom, to be sacrificed if necessary, in imitation of Christ, for a higher good.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Eucharistic Theology of Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians
October 2021Now it is pro-abortion Catholic politicians who are teaching the bishops the meaning of the Eucharist, something as absurd as it is unprecedented.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Wanting Seed. By Anthony Burgess.
July-August 2021The book seemed absurd when it appeared in 1962. Sixty years later, lipstick-wearing men, sex changes, and overzealous population controllers are common.
VIEW ARTICLEConveying the Message of Humanae Vitae to the People of Today
May 2021Church doctrine regarding contraception is one of the least understood and accepted parts of her conjugal and sexual ethics.
VIEW ARTICLEWhy the Modern Democratic State Needs Abortable Children
March 2021Liberalism is, in its essence, universal sovereignty premised on the expendability of life inside the individual’s sovereign domain.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Nowhere Between Life & Death
January-February 2021The unborn exist in a borderland between the shedding of innocent blood and the sacrificing of children so that individual sovereignty remains intact.
VIEW ARTICLEOn Nurturing Man’s Spiritual Relationship with Technology
November 2020Technology cannot erase our humanity. We will find a way to live and even flourish in a world saturated with technology.
VIEW ARTICLEProgressivism’s Bastardization of Science
March 2020When elites ignore the sublime Judeo-Christian doctrine that each individual is made in the image of God, then scientism and cults like eugenics flourish.
VIEW ARTICLEUnmasking the Executioner
March 2020I contend that the state in 2020 has been so corrupted by institutionalized murder that it has no authority to carry out executions of anyone.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Short-Lived “Gay Gene”
November 2019We can challenge genetic determinism by reaffirming both our inherent free will to make choices and our inherent dignity.
VIEW ARTICLEWhat Every Priest Should Know about Ecological Breastfeeding
October 2019Fr. William Virtue concludes “it has been the constant teaching of the Church that there is a serious obligation of maternal nursing.”
VIEW ARTICLEEugenics De-fanged or Re-fanged?
October 2019The new eugenics is essentially a man-made religion, with a false hope of perfection and immortality.
VIEW ARTICLESuicide: Human Right or Human Tragedy?
July-August 2019On the one hand, we declare suicide a human right. On the other, we set up hotlines and billboards to prevent people from exercising this supposed right.
VIEW ARTICLE“Good News, Son, You’re Adopted!”
July-August 2019Blood relationship is overrated, and natural relations are less important than ones that mirror supernatural relations.
VIEW ARTICLEA See of the Second-Rate
March 2019The norm among the men who wear miters — men who are supposed to possess powers of discernment — appears to be gaffes, ill judgment, and an apparent blindness to reason.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Hollywood Scandal Behind the Clerical Scandal
March 2019U.S. media and the American judicial system will gladly go after a high-ranking Catholic priest or bishop but will run cover for powerful Hollywood directors and actors.
VIEW ARTICLEParental Love vs. Loveless “Rights”
January-February 2019"Abortion Rights: For and Against" is exceptional in showing with startling clarity how the fight over abortion is really a battle between love and lovelessness.
VIEW ARTICLEIs Francis’s Revised Teaching on the Death Penalty a Development of Doctrine?
December 2018The Culture of Life may be advanced by the Holy Father’s innovation, but he has forged an unsettling theological path to take us there.
VIEW ARTICLEGosnell: The Bigger Picture
December 2018Gosnell’s attorney asks why Gosnell should be convicted of murder in the case of “Baby A” but not in the cases of the countless other babies.
VIEW ARTICLEHumanae Vitae: A Manual for Better Sex?
October 2018Much popular Catholic literature on NFP is utilitarian, claiming that obeying Church teaching results in a happier, more exciting bedroom experience.
September 2018Pope Francis’s new appointees to the Pontifical Academy for Life have expanded the pro-life umbrella to include migrants, technology, and the environment.
VIEW ARTICLEBriefly: September 2018
September 2018Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality... The Maternal Face of God?: Explorations in Catholic Sophiology... Seeing is Believing: Why Our Culture Must Face the Victims of Abortion... An Introduction to Ethics: A Natural Law Approach
VIEW ARTICLEThe Politics of Suicide in Post-Christian America
July-August 2018There's a direct link between changes in theistic belief and suicide rates. "Disbelief can be deadly" is one way to put it.
VIEW ARTICLEInfinity War: A Call to Action
July-August 2018The final scene of Infinity War is particularly haunting for millennials; a whole third of our generation has been destroyed by abortion.
VIEW ARTICLEA Journey to the Threshold of Eternal Life
March 2018My mother's frailty and slowness as she maneuvered her walker showed me how to dwell in the present, not giving in to stress and the pressure of the clock.
March 2018The pro-life movement has enjoyed some happy victories recently, but abortion remains a legal, political, and cultural mainstay in America. The U.S. is aborting and contracepting itself into oblivion.
VIEW ARTICLEKermit Gosnell in the Cone of Silence
January-February 2018Legions of doctors, health agencies, judges, lawyers, and reporters colluded to keep his case from doing any real damage to the abortion establishment.
VIEW ARTICLEPro-lifers, You've Been Played
January-February 2018Some call the Democratic Party the "Party of Death." There is no viable major American political party worthy of the label "Party of Life." We pro-lifers need to stop pretending there is.
VIEW ARTICLEIsn't It Ironic?
March 2017The former Democratic presidential nominee is no friend to women; she has been a brazen bully and an enabler of sexual assault. The press willingly disregarded a mountain of evidence on this.
VIEW ARTICLEPlanned Parenthood: Seventy Years of Defying the Law
October 2016David Goldstein once was a militant socialist who thought life's chief struggle was economic. But he came to realize that "life's battle is primarily a moral battle."
VIEW ARTICLEBetraying the Fort
September 2016Notre Dame's president honored Joe Biden for putting "the good of the nation above partisan victory," with "respectful dialogue" and "honorable compromise."
VIEW ARTICLEAll Aboard the Suicide Train
May 2016In the Netherlands an increasing number of patients now seek assisted dying because of dementia, psychiatric illnesses, and age-related complaints — in other words, non-terminal medical conditions.
VIEW ARTICLEA Virus, a Crisis
April 2016Why didn't Pope Francis immediately promote natural family planning as soon as he heard the reporter ask about the licitness of "avoiding pregnancy"?
VIEW ARTICLEPope Francis Doesn't Need Your Applause
November 2015Pope Francis isn't satisfied with the reductionism that narrows the Catholic ethic of life to "no abortion," or the Catholic teaching on the family to "no same-sex marriage."
VIEW ARTICLEHow Pro-Lifers Are Saving Higher Education
September 2015The Christian on campus is the only hope for bringing humanity back to the humanities and saving our dying universities.
VIEW ARTICLEDying Without Dignity & Other End-of-Life Scares
July-August 2015Disability advocates like those at Not Dead Yet and Second Thoughts find their own lives well worth living and filled with dignity.
VIEW ARTICLEHow the Pro-Life Movement Became Warm & Cuddly
April 2015A new wave of pro-life Catholics reduced the significance of murder of the innocent to just another item in a long list of social issues.
VIEW ARTICLEEugenics in the USA: Black Life, White Justice
January-February 2015Justice Ginsburg, a powerful abortion advocate, has been working for 20 years to reduce those populations she doesn't "want to have too many of."
VIEW ARTICLEScenes from Ground Zero of the Abortion Holocaust
January-February 2015In modern-day America, human life is destroyed on a massive scale with the cruel, evil, and machine-like efficiency characteristic of the Nazis.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Birth-Control Box in the Living Room
November 2014Research has uncovered a link between soap operas and lower fertility rates in Brazil, Mexico, and Kenya. In fact, some countries have "a history of using soap operas to cut fertility."
VIEW ARTICLEThe Case for a Consistently Pro-Life God
November 2013A favorite ploy for nonbelievers is to play off an allegedly vengeful "God of the Old Testament" against a peace-loving "God of the New." But this will not stand.
VIEW ARTICLEGraphic Images: An Apologia
September 2013If the primary purpose of abortion-victim photography is to reveal the tragedy of abortion, the most effective photos will focus on the humanity of the victim.
VIEW ARTICLEAdvocating for the Innocent in an Abnormal World
April 2013Miller's exposé hails from the front lines of the war on babies; it is packed with heart-wrenching drama that follows pro-life battles on the ground and in the courtroom.
VIEW ARTICLEBumping Off Baby
January-February 2013During the days when the Romans ruled the known world, only a few peculiar groups kept and raised all their children. Have times changed much?
December 2012The elderly and the under-pressure organ donor have reason to distrust the falsely compassionate, as advocates of legalized euthanasia threaten to undermine the foundation of medical care as we've known it.
VIEW ARTICLEIncarnations
December 2012Only by innocence and goodness can anything lasting in significance and truly beautiful be created.
VIEW ARTICLEGuaranteed Controversy
September 2012In advance of her big London Summit on Family Planning, Melinda Gates launched a campaign called "No Controversy." She may soon realize she's already knee-deep in it.
VIEW ARTICLEHow Small Is Too Small?
June 2012The greatest gap is not between something minuscule and something immense, but between something and nothing. Existence is more important than size.
VIEW ARTICLEFinding the Truth in a Narrative of Lies
May 2012Catholic bishops have been depicted as wishing to push women back into the supposed servitude of the Dark Ages.
VIEW ARTICLEOccasions of Truth
April 2012Sustained national discussion of taboo topics like contraception and Planned Parenthood have yielded valuable 'teaching moments' and surprisingly countercultural essays in some mainstream venues.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Culture War & the Catholic Church
April 2012In the face of rising opposition, will the Church blossom, as John Paul predicted, or will she contract, as Benedict expects?
VIEW ARTICLEOn the Ethical Treatment of Rape Victims
March 2012Some hospitals use Plan B as routine treatment for victims of sexual assault, and some bishops have reluctantly agreed to it after coercion by state legislatures.
VIEW ARTICLEAre All Human Beings Persons?
March 2012"'Person' is not a generic term," writes Robert Spaemann, "it is the way in which individuals of the human genus exist." One's neighbor is unique and non-fungible.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Perils of Promoting Personhood
January-February 2012Conspicuously absent from a coalition of pro-life advocates supporting a personhood amendment in Mississippi were the bishops of Jackson and Biloxi.
VIEW ARTICLEGurus of a Post-Human Age
January-February 2012The influence of post-humanist academics reveals how completely the secular academic world has embraced the culture of death.
VIEW ARTICLEAbortion & the Creed of Progress
January-February 2012The creed of progress has destroyed community, the family, and the bond between man and woman, as it has destroyed countless unborn babies.
VIEW ARTICLEBehind the Mask
December 2011The media hype a world population of seven billion, but growth is decelerating and we’ll face a new problem: under-population.
VIEW ARTICLEWho Can Judge the Quality of a Life?
January-February 2011I thank the heavenly Father every day for sending such a priceless treasure as our daughter. He could have given her to any parents, but He blessed us.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Virtue of Reverence & Respect for Life
October 2010Every human being possesses dignity, value, and worth. There are factors that can obfuscate our ability to see their dignity, but it exists whether we see it or not.
VIEW ARTICLETwo Dubious Anniversaries
July-August 2010Neither Lewis nor Eliot was willing to condemn all uses of artificial contraception, yet both had obvious concerns about the moral implications of its use.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Originating Judgment of the Culture of Death
May 2010The absence in our culture of a person-based definition of human nature has had devastating consequences. Our treatment of life before birth is one example.
VIEW ARTICLEWaiting on the Past
April 2010Two more bishops recently weighed in on what measures are appropriate to take against pro-abortion Catholic politicians.
VIEW ARTICLEGlobal Population Control
April 2010The demand for the "rights" of women, homosexuals, animals, and trees is a front for the goal of regulating human breeding as if we're stockyard animals.
VIEW ARTICLEFree Will & Freedom of Choice
April 2010Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi is one politician known to pontificate on subjects that are "above her pay grade."
VIEW ARTICLEManchester, Disunited
January-February 2010To avoid problems in Catholic-secular hospital mergers, parties would be wise to specify in writing the actual terms of ethical practice required.
VIEW ARTICLEIs It Time to Dump the Term 'Pro-life'?
January-February 2010The Personhood Movement would jettison the term "pro-life." Pro-personhood, pro-human child, and pro-child are credible options.
VIEW ARTICLEBlessed Are the Barren
December 2009In Jesus' warning to the women of Jerusalem, He says that those who wish for barrenness will also "say to the mountains: Fall on us; and to the hills: Cover us."
VIEW ARTICLEThe Five Most Pathetic Words
October 2009For the sake of your own immortal soul, and for the sake of the lives of the unborn children your ideology menaces, please rid yourself of this delusion.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Prolife Movement & the Culture of Violence
September 2009Senseless acts of violence should never be answered with any words other than those extended with the love of Christ.
VIEW ARTICLEContraception & Logical Consistency
September 2009Catholics or non-Catholics who practice contraception but oppose premarital or extramarital sex hold a position that is logically inconsistent.
VIEW ARTICLEProlifers: Practice What You Preach!
May 2009We Christians must constantly reevaluate our own situations to determine whether life is welcome in our own homes or is overwhelmed by the desire for creature comforts.
VIEW ARTICLEEveryone Knows That!
December 2008Sometimes the truth is so simple, so easily recognizable and self-evident that even children have no trouble comprehending.
VIEW ARTICLEWonderful Are Your Works
May 2008Every life is valuable in and of itself. Every life is capable of giving glory to God, and therefore every life is worthy of our protection.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Spirit of Humanae Vitae
February 2008Pope Paul VI's words are a breath of fresh air in a world suffering the horrendous effects of the contraceptive mentality.
October 2007As the great battle was the turning point for America's independence, with God's grace we will bring the battle to the doorsteps of the Culture of Death.
VIEW ARTICLEIs Immigration Prolife?
June 2007Immigrants now make up about 20 percent of our seminarians and a majority of our Catholic youth.
VIEW ARTICLEHeroic Mothers
May 2007"I guess she knew the secret of life, and it is not in receiving but giving."
VIEW ARTICLESituation Critical
April 2007How far has marriage sunk? Married couples in 2005, as a proportion of U.S. households, "have finally slipped into a minority."
VIEW ARTICLEAmerican Genocide
February 2007We are systematically eliminating a community of human beings from American society. Why do our priests and bishops remain silent about this?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Vaccine Debate
November 2006Why have no studies been done to investigate the long-term effects of vaccines? Why aren't pharmaceutical companies more closely monitored for their testing procedures?
November 2006The modcon Our Sunday Visitor is now advocating a new vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease given to girls at age 11.
VIEW ARTICLEIn Vitro Clinics Are Death Camps
October 2006"If embryos are human beings with full human rights, fertility clinics are death camps -- with a side order of cold-blooded eugenics."
VIEW ARTICLEThe Betrayal at the Root of the Culture Wars
October 2006Christine Rosen studies the American clergy's involvement in eugenics from the 1880s through the 1920s.
VIEW ARTICLEPope Paul VI's Prophetic Warning
May 2006Undoubtedly, the Pill is a "gateway" drug, introducing its users to promiscuity, premarital pregnancy, abortion, and divorce.
VIEW ARTICLEAbortion Is More Than 'Murder'
November 2005Accepting the killing of strangers eats away at our community from the outside in; accepting the killing of our own children rots us from the inside out.
VIEW ARTICLEWhen Will Prolifers Wise Up?
November 2005If any of our readers had any doubts about what we had to say regarding John Roberts, they can now quietly lay them to rest.
VIEW ARTICLEHere Come the Catholic Cheerleaders
October 2005The Thomas More Law Center, founded by Tom Monaghan, has decided to support the nomination of Judge John Roberts, even though he called Roe v. Wade "the settled law of the land."
VIEW ARTICLEAthanasius Against the World: Still Looking for Some Company
October 2005People jealously want to control the one thing that demonstrates God's infinite artistry and creativity -- life.
VIEW ARTICLEProlifers: Thanks for the Votes; We'll See You Again in Four Years
September 2005"According to the White House, Judge Roberts does not oppose Roe v. Wade." What more do you need to know?
VIEW ARTICLEHer Mamas Were Prolife
September 2004Gov. Ronald Reagan signed a milestone pro-abortion bill in 1968. California's abortions jumped from 518 in 1967 to an average of 100,000 per year from 1968 to 1974.
VIEW ARTICLEChastity & the Prolife Movement
May 2004The prolife movement of the 21st century must adopt chastity as the fifth pillar of advocacy for preborn children.
VIEW ARTICLEA Primer on Stem Cells
October 2003Stem cells found in adult bone marrow, adipose tissue, fetal umbilical cords, and placenta promise equal if not greater results than embryonic stem cells.
VIEW ARTICLEWhat Is Happiness?
February 2003Spitzer's genius lies in showing, in so many ways, the links between one's chosen "level of happiness" and one's view of the contentious life issues.
VIEW ARTICLEA New Approach for the Prolife Movement
January 2003Let's form an environmental group with a novel approach to prolife goals. Let it be known as Project EARTH, or Extend Animal Rights to Humans.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Example of Large Families
May 2002We need to re-think children — whose they are, why they exist, and whether anything else we can possibly choose is more important.
VIEW ARTICLEReality Incognito
April 2002God in the flesh does not look like God, and He very often does not exercise divine power, even in His own defense.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Latest Antilife Thrust: "Emergency Contraception"
March 2002Morning-after pills are effective only after ovulation and fertilization have already occurred; they are, at least some if not much of the time, a form of early abortion.
VIEW ARTICLEStanding Seldom by the Crib, But Often by the Coffin
October 2001As we bury our parents and watch our circle of family diminish, will we finally humble ourselves before God and ask forgiveness for rejecting the gifts He had to give us?
VIEW ARTICLE'Till Death Do Us Part (And Not Soon Enough)
October 2001In the style of their pro-abortion counterparts, right-to-death advocates have been busily forging a debate over when life ends.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Catholic Hiroshima
September 2001Dissent affects spiritual life in a way that is analogous to what happens to biological life in the aftermath of an atomic bomb.
VIEW ARTICLEConfessions of an Ob-Gyn
September 2001My conversion involved non-participation in any form of contraceptive prescribing or sterilization, and promotion of Natural Family Planning.
VIEW ARTICLEA Smile From the Womb
May 2001When our daughter was born, though she was not quite through the second trimester, she already had her own distinct personality and could smile.
VIEW ARTICLEInfertility & the Illusion of Control
April 2001Our life, and each life, is really God’s and no one else’s, and must be treated as such. Life is not something we earn or something owed to us, it is purely a gift.
VIEW ARTICLEWoe to the Bloody City!
November 2000“Find out how you can turn your patient’s decision into something wonderful” reads a brochure sent to abortionists by a fetal tissue “wholesaler.”
VIEW ARTICLEThe Cloning of Margaret Fanger
September 2000This fictional piece uses exact quotes of the real-life Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Bitter Fruit of the Sexual Revolution
May 2000Catholics who practice their faith and embody its sexual wisdom can have stable marriages, loving families, and freedom from STDs.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Incredible Shrinking of Man
March 2000Peter Singer's philosophy of preference-utilitarianism
VIEW ARTICLEAn Educational Funeral
January 2000Aside from somber, beautiful, or inspiring, a funeral I attended recently could be described as educational.
VIEW ARTICLEConfronting Sexual Immorality
December 1999The Lord God, eschewing the “pastoral prudence” of hesitant confessors, asked the Original Penitents point blank to tell what they had done.
VIEW ARTICLEIn the Valley of the Shadow of Death
October 1999Malaria kills many in Kenya when there is no chloroquine, but the West consistently sends “huge stockpiles of contraceptives.”
VIEW ARTICLEDon't Mess With a Pregnant Lady - Or Her Husband!
October 1999The right attitude and a little preparation can turn a rude comment into an opportunity to witness to your faith.
VIEW ARTICLEThese Are Family-Life Experts?
July/August 1999Trustworthy advice for parents who happen upon the "Your Family" page in Time magazine
VIEW ARTICLE"Grandpa! Grandpa!"
April 1999Harold Cybulski was to be taken off life support. When his two-year-old grandson ran in, Cybulski opened his eyes, sat up, and reached for the boy.
VIEW ARTICLEWhy Is It O.K. to Insult a Pregnant Lady?
April 1999Unsolicited conversations often turn into sermonettes, confrontations, or inquisitions if this is not the “blessed” first child.
VIEW ARTICLEContraception vs. Natural Piety
March 1999The idea of nature as something to which we ought to conform ourselves allows for benign mystery as opposed to malign mastery.
VIEW ARTICLETeacher's Dirty Books
January 1999A survey of a thousand teenage girls found 82% said they wanted sex-ed to teach them “how to say no” without hurting a guy’s feelings.
VIEW ARTICLEEbenezer Scrooge at Christmas Today
December 1998Scrooge stated, “Let those poor go to the prisons and the Union workhouses. And if they’d rather die, they had better do it."
VIEW ARTICLEThe Least of the Least of Our Brethren
October 1998How can we convert this culture of death? Through education, public action, pastoral leadership — and faith.
VIEW ARTICLEWho Are the Real Fanatics?
October 1998“I didn’t know Christians would help me,” the expectant mother told the counselor. “I thought they were all mean.”
VIEW ARTICLEContraception & Compromised Intimacy
September 1998When one has passed beyond egoism, when one has truly understood that love is a mutual gift, then one comes to what is truly love.
VIEW ARTICLEBabies on Demand?
May 1998If you don’t want children— contracept. If you don’t want children but you get pregnant— abort. If you do want children but can’t conceive— take fertility drugs.
VIEW ARTICLEWhat the Pope Called the 'Culture of Death' Is Actually a Syndicate of Death
January 1998 VIEW ARTICLEThe Christian View of Sex
January 1998Men and women today are tired of unfaithfulness, tired of shallow and brief relationships. They crave something more meaningful and reliable.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Prolife Struggle in Japan
March 1997Old couples in Japan, with no one to depend on, live in makeshift houses offered by the government. They are victims of the contraception-abortion mentality.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Problem Is Not Too Many People
June 1995The best measure of the likelihood of human environmental destruction is not the number of people but how people consume and pollute.
VIEW ARTICLEBe Fruitful & Multiply
May 1994Our population level is not necessarily bad in and of itself. Rather, it just amplifies the good or evil that is already in place.
VIEW ARTICLEAmerica's Children Are in Jeopardy
October 1989Suggesting that the very young, born or preborn, are not persons is exclusivist. It makes the betrayal of children almost morally palatable.
VIEW ARTICLEEarthiness as Sacred
March 1989The Church celebrates and proclaims publicly some very private human activities that might well cause some folks to feel a bit squeamish.
VIEW ARTICLESurveillance of the Unborn: A Human Rights Issue
July August 1986While the March of Dimes may do valuable work toward helping conquer birth defects, other unborn handicapped children are denied life because of its support of prenatal testing.
VIEW ARTICLEThe New Right & the Pro-life Movement: How Solid is the Marriage?
July August 1986March for Life organizer Nellie Gray had little patience with those who would solicit pro-life support simply to boost the bomb, bolster corporate profits, or get fluoride out of the water.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Sanctity of Life & the Right to Adequate Health Care
March 1986Infant mortality, life expectancy, and disability rates confirm that the poor and uninsured permanently suffer the consequences of our broken healthcare system.
VIEW ARTICLESeams in the Seamless Garment?
January-February 1986If the Seamless Garment links the sparing of innocent human life with the sparing of guilty human life (the murderer or invader of the household or the invader of the country) then the Garment is full of seams.
VIEW ARTICLESaying a Humble, Compassionate & Joyful “Yes” to Life
November 1985Resisting the forces of death is only meaningful when we are fully in touch with the forces of life we want to uphold.
VIEW ARTICLESterilization & An Unformed Conscience
October 1985To tamper with the generative function, as I did, is to make myself a god, or to tell God, in effect, “I know better than You do.”
VIEW ARTICLESaying “No” to Death in All Its Manifestations
October 1985Real resistance requires the humble confession that we are partners in the evil that we seek to resist. This is a very hard and seemingly endless discipline.
VIEW ARTICLEPeace, a Gift We Receive in Prayer
September 1985Just as Jesus’ command to love one another cannot be seen as a part-time obligation, so too His call to peacemaking is unconditional, unlimited, and uncompromising.
VIEW ARTICLEBeyond “Left” & “Right”
April 1985How can we honestly ask God to remove the scourge of abortion from our land when we are prepared to abort entire other countries with nuclear fire and brimstone?
VIEW ARTICLEStirring Things Up in Western Europe
January-February 1985Many peace & anti-abortion advocates find themselves on opposite ends of the political spectrum. In the U.S. and Western Europe, stirring up the desire for reconciliation is a crucial task.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Consistent Pro-life Ethic
January-February 1985The prophet gives words that echo an understanding of the heart. He understands the tragic situation and speaks of comfort, solace, hope, and then begins to help.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Richness of the Mongoloid Experience
October 1984My brother reacted with crazy love toward new people. He thought people’s differences made them wonderful.
VIEW ARTICLEDaniel Berrigan, Pro-lifer
October 1984Berrigan, in casting his lot with the condemned unborn, stands again accused of high treason for defying legalistic wisdom and the current Zeitgeist.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Seamless Garment
September 1984How can good-hearted people, whose hearts bleed for peace and for poor people, not feel the excruciating pain of the child who is destroyed in the womb?
VIEW ARTICLETeenage Pregnancy: A Moral Matter
July-August 1984Young women also are spiritually hungry for a sense of purpose and meaning in life, for something or someone to believe in, for moral direction.
VIEW ARTICLEAbortion as “Growth Experience”
June 1984Almost all abortion ideologues refuse to address the core question: Is the unborn child a fellow member of the human family, one to whom we owe love, life, and justice?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Treatment of Handicapped Infants
March 1984Wide-scale prenatal screening procedures brought about a “free-fire zone” on the defective child throughout all three stages of gestation.
VIEW ARTICLEConjugal Intimacy
January-February 1984Sacred Scripture and the mystical tradition in the Church present our redemption by Christ in terms of a husband-wife relationship.
November 1983When the Mass was translated into English, I noticed right away how often it says “Peace”: it’s repeated over and over again, like a heartbeat, clear through.