Volume > Issue > Woe to the Bloody City!

Woe to the Bloody City!


By Joseph Collison | November 2000
Joseph Collison is the Director of the Office of Pro-Life Activities of the Diocese of Norwich, Connecticut. He also writes for the Four County Catholic, the diocesan newspaper of Norwich.

Are you better than No-amon?… Her little ones were dashed to pieces at the corner of every street.

— Nahum 3:8,10

“FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN TURN YOUR PATIENT’S DECISION INTO SOMETHING WONDERFUL” reads the glossy brochure sent out to abortion mills by Opening Lines, a fetal tissue “wholesaler.” To medical research labs and college science departments Opening Lines offers “FRESH FETAL TISSUE HARVESTED AND SHIPPED TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS WHERE AND WHEN YOU NEED IT.”

Dr. Dodge of Thomas Jefferson University orders “Whole intact legs, including ENTIRE HIP JOINT, 22-24 weeks gest[ation]” from the International Institute for the Advancement of Medicine. He specifies “4-6 specimens per shipment…. To be removed from fetal cadaver within 10 minutes,” and wants “no abnormalities.” Dr. Charles Cintron of Schepens Eye Research Institute sends a standing order for two each of hearts, testes, prostates, duodenums, epidermises, adrenals, ovaries, livers, pancreases, and eyes — all from fetuses of 20 to 22 weeks gestation.

Jane Lebkowski of Applied Immune Sciences Inc. orders one each of a thymus, lymphoid node, liver and bone, one shipment a week for one year, 15 to 22 weeks gestation, “charted for age, sex, blood type, and medical history.” Another party wants “Limbs weekly, Thymus & Liver twice a month.” So the orders go to America’s wholesalers of “baby parts.”

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