Volume > Issue > The Five Most Pathetic Words

The Five Most Pathetic Words


By Patrick Madrid | October 2009
Patrick Madrid is the director of the Envoy Institute of Belmont Abbey College. His personal website is www.patrickmadrid.com.

How does a formerly prolife Catholic college girl morph into a pro-abortion zealot who identifies the roots of her transformation as including attending the National March for Life? You read that right. As implausible as it might sound, Kate Childs Graham says that this happened to her, and the results are not pretty. In her article “I Am a Prochoice Catholic,” which appears in that notorious bastion of contumacy, the National Catholic Reporter, Ms. Childs Graham reveals:

I wasn’t always a prochoice Catholic. During college I attended the annual March for Life on more than one occasion. The first time my friends and I traveled to the event from Indianapolis, Ind., was with a bus full of high school students — most, seemingly, only going for the trip to Washington, D.C., with their friends, sans parental supervision. Needless to say, it was a noisy bus ride. After I transferred to Catholic University, I volunteered for the Mass for Life two years in a row, helping to herd all of those high school students into every crevice of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

One must wonder if Ms. Childs Graham herself was one of those young people who made the journey to Washington, not to protest the evil of legalized abortion, but simply because she wanted the freedom of a little road trip, “sans parental supervision.”

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