From the NOR Dossiers
America: History, Culture & Politics
A Requiem for Old Rosy
September 2024Rosecrans had a reputation as a vocal Catholic with an aggressive evangelizing impulse. He kneeled alongside his soldiers at Mass, and regularly prayed the Rosary.
VIEW ARTICLEMerchants of Casual Sin
July-August 2024Oprah and the age of casual sinning she embodied, coupled with therapeutic celebrations of the same, must be met with a heavy dose of hard reality.
VIEW ARTICLEAmerica’s Two Favorite Pastimes
June 2024Rather than spend even a second worrying about World War III, wouldn’t that second be better spent playing ball with my boys in the backyard?
June 2024Abortion rates are sky high. Birth rates are at rock bottom. Americans are rejecting parenthood on a scale not seen before. What does this mean for our nation's future?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Gospel of Greed
May 2024What began as a removal of religious questions from the public square morphed into a draining of religion and practically all virtue from Americans’ purview.
VIEW ARTICLEAmerica’s Deposit of Faith
January-February 2024Hawthorne, Thoreau, Melville, and Dickinson together comprise a reliable foundation for realist biases that are fully in line with the Platonic-Augustinian tradition.
VIEW ARTICLEReply from an American to a “Letter from an American”
January-February 2024Abortion was a crime in the extant states in 1868 and in the territories that became states after 1868 and the District of Columbia. Yet later, Roe was called “settled law”?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Exalted & the Despised
December 2023Old categories of class, politics, and education have given way to a deep-down hatred for one another that traditional social sets can no longer begin to explain.
VIEW ARTICLE...And Justice for Some
November 2023Catholic monuments, Catholic buildings, and Catholics themselves will continue to be attacked but the attackers have little to fear from the law.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Cult of the Imperial Self
October 2023In Catholic worship, the truth of God and man is revealed. The revelation takes root in only those who harmonize themselves within the hierarchy of God and man.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Woke Ethic & the Spirit of Protestantism
September 2023The woke project, like much of Protestantism, is led by a self-selected group of “the Elect” who see themselves as arbiters of excellence in moral matters.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Native American Martyrs of Syracuse
June 2023Jesuit missionaries left reports on the martyrdoms of many Native American converts to Catholicism. Not one has been canonized.
VIEW ARTICLETerms of Service: A Discussion of Social-Media Subterfuge & Death-Dealing Democracy
May 2023Our morally bankrupt political leaders lie for a living and call it the “fact-checked” truth.
VIEW ARTICLEAre Catholics the New WASPs?
November 2022For many, Catholicism as a religion has become irrelevant as they have capitulated to secular American culture, as did WASPs in the mainline Protestant denominations.
VIEW ARTICLEWhen the Secular Saints Go Marxing In
October 2022Some call on "the American way of life" as a bulwark. But the American way of life is whatever the latest and strongest revolutionary says it is.
VIEW ARTICLEIs America Under Divine Interdict?
October 2022John Paul II wrote of political superpowers that all-consuming pursuit of profit and power are “forms of modern imperialism” and “real forms of idolatry.”
VIEW ARTICLEBehemoth Goes Back to Bed
October 2022An enormous fat cat, reminiscent of a miniature hippopotamus, strolled the sidewalk. It had been decades since he’d been out. Some things were different...
VIEW ARTICLEAfter Dobbs: What’s Next?
September 2022Our shared vocation as Christians is showing our neighbors that destroying preborn babies cannot be an act of justice, much less of love.
VIEW ARTICLEAn Apologia for Fr. Pierre-Jean De Smet
September 2022Though the Indians held the Black Robes in high regard, one -- above all others -- gained the respect and trust of the Native tribes.
VIEW ARTICLEChristians at the End of the Pax Americana
September 2022With the welfare/warfare state, one may wonder: which came first? They are both features of empires, especially in the latter stages of an empire’s lifecycle.
VIEW ARTICLE‘Tis Pity We’re All Whores
July-August 2022If we want our dignity — and our freedom of speech — back, then we have only to stop giving it away to the Internet.
VIEW ARTICLERevolt of the Ultra-Elites
May 2022The most important impediment to domination by wealthy oligarchs is tradition, including American nationalism and Christianity.
VIEW ARTICLEIs America Rooted in Exodus?
May 2022Kass describes three key components in the formation of the Israelite nation: their deliverance from slavery, the covenant and Law, and the Tabernacle.
VIEW ARTICLEJudeo-Christian Westernism: An Impossible Triangulation
April 2022The conceit of the Enlightenment was that we could have the good of Christendom without the Church. “Judeo-Christian Westernism” assumes this.
VIEW ARTICLEAn American Hodgepodge of Religious Kookery
January-February 2022The temptation to be religiously promiscuous is simply how Protestantism works. Once the individual is the axis, the whole world takes the shape of the ego exalted.
VIEW ARTICLEIntegralism: A New Totalitarianism?
November 2021The “third way” promoted by integralists features a mindset that can be every bit as anti-Christian as the mindset that governs cultural revolutionaries.
VIEW ARTICLEDid the Church Reverse Course on Americanism?
October 2021The condemnation of Americanism is a condemnation of the proposal that America’s peculiar political experiment should be normative for all nations.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Eucharistic Theology of Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians
October 2021Now it is pro-abortion Catholic politicians who are teaching the bishops the meaning of the Eucharist, something as absurd as it is unprecedented.
VIEW ARTICLEMinisters of the Ecclesiae Mediae
September 2021The public square is not naked but clothed by the “woke” ideology of our bourgeois liberal elites. It has its own "church" that pronounces on orthodoxy and heresy.
VIEW ARTICLEMoving Beyond Nuclear Pro-Choice
September 2021The fact that some arguments against strategic nuclear deterrence are faulty does not permit the conclusion that there are no compelling moral arguments against it.
VIEW ARTICLERe-evaluating the Church’s Approach to Nuclear Weapons
September 2021Deterrence advocates acknowledge the intrinsic balefulness of war but argue nonetheless that the possibility of war is ever-present.
VIEW ARTICLEA Perfect Media Maelstrom
July-August 2021The Joplin tornado of May 2011 showed the populace had come to rely on media in place of their own eyeballs for weather reports.
July-August 2021The FIRE strategy -- which stands for financial independence, retire early -- doesn’t alter the debt-peonage economy; it just carves out exceptions for a select few.
VIEW ARTICLEConservatism at the Crossroads
June 2021The American founders followed Plato and Aristotle in acknowledging man’s inclination to consolidate power, indulge his passions, and oppress his fellowman.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Root Causes of the Dislocation of Our Times
June 2021The masses are more and more prone to lies, which they buy willingly for the sake of having a rock on which to stand amid the shifting cultural sands.
VIEW ARTICLEAll the World Is Staged
May 2021Most of us probably spend more time each day looking at screens than at anything, or anyone, else. Our thinking is curdled out of online scenarios.
VIEW ARTICLEShould Christians Pay Reparations for Racial Injustices?
April 2021The Church can engage in the work of racial reparations, but only while placing the project within a broader moral framework.
VIEW ARTICLEWhy the Modern Democratic State Needs Abortable Children
March 2021Liberalism is, in its essence, universal sovereignty premised on the expendability of life inside the individual’s sovereign domain.
VIEW ARTICLEA Manifesto for 2021
January-February 2021As always, when contemplating the political order, we should keep in mind the psalmist’s exhortation: “Put not your trust in princes.”
VIEW ARTICLEWhy Conservative Justices Run Interference for Liberal Causes
December 2020The conservative disposition, forever disinclined to learn from the Left's successful strategies, is handicapped in the culture war.
VIEW ARTICLERe-emergence in a Surprising Field
December 2020The mental-health professions in recent years have changed their opinion of religion and now regard faith as a reliable predictor of well-being.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Practical Application of Christian Ethics According to America’s Early College Presidents
November 2020They represented a variety of denominations but expressed a remarkably similar prescription for living spiritually in the wider world.
VIEW ARTICLELives That Don’t Matter
November 2020A popular children’s book remains on the 'Teachers’ Top 100 Books' list although its ostensible aim appears to be to denigrate Polish Americans.
VIEW ARTICLEHow the West Was Lost
November 2020How did Catholics by the millions enlist to serve their nation a few generations ago, and yet today there are hardly enough to serve at the altar?
VIEW ARTICLEReligious Persecution Is Rising. Do Catholics Care?
November 2020Our struggles in the U.S. are a far cry from the hard persecution that our coreligionists elsewhere in the world face on a routine basis.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Fires This Time
October 2020July was a cruel month for attacks on Catholic churches. But the mother of them all wasn’t an act of destruction; it was an act of desecration, a hostile takeover of a former Catholic cathedral.
VIEW ARTICLEChurchmen in Antebellum Dixie
September 2020Scrutinizing bishops for not siding with abolitionists involves a failure to realize that abolitionism was associated with violence and lawlessness.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Catholic Church in the Crosshairs
September 2020It is a cruel irony that, in less than a century, Catholics have gone from being victimized as unwelcome immigrants to being widely perceived as racist victimizers.
VIEW ARTICLEQuackery Reducks: A Discussion of Spiritual Consumerism in Post-Christian America
July-August 2020People today are perhaps more gullible than at any time in history and likely to believe just about anything.
VIEW ARTICLECountering the COVID-19 'Expert' Narrative
June 2020Shuttered churches, depression-level unemployment, tracking devices, drone surveillance, civilian snitching— is this really how we want to live?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Golden Age of Quackery
May 2020The West's turning away from Faith and the sacraments has opened a void we now try to fill with whatever hucksters come up with next.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Deepest Bias of the American People?
May 2020Catholicism is a 'general culture' that inculcates a way of life and encompasses a whole realm of unspoken and spontaneous things in daily life.
VIEW ARTICLEDid William Shakespeare Predict Donald Trump?
April 2020Contemporary scholars are so anti-religious, or a-religious, that they block out the huge role religion played in the past.
VIEW ARTICLESign-Stealing of the Times
April 2020The Astros' systematic cheating vitiated the sanctity not only of the game of baseball but a core feature of American identity.
VIEW ARTICLE“Love” Conquers All
April 2020What a crazy, mixed-up world we live in where even polygamists claim their lifestyles are part of their 'identity' and who they were created to be.
VIEW ARTICLEProgressivism’s Bastardization of Science
March 2020When elites ignore the sublime Judeo-Christian doctrine that each individual is made in the image of God, then scientism and cults like eugenics flourish.
VIEW ARTICLEConservatism: The God That Failed
December 2019Conservatism claims to respect the Church, to have regard for God, but it reduces the Church and remolds God as a supporting figure.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Things They Auctioned
November 2019In our striving, we men have decided to separate in function things we have found functioning together in “nature,” in “the way things are.”
VIEW ARTICLEAmerica’s Linguistic Revolution
October 2019Where do we stand in relation to George Washington’s claim that godlessness leads to immorality, and immorality to a breakdown in democratic governance?
VIEW ARTICLEPost-Truth, Climate Change & the Catholic University
October 2019As the earth was created before man, Pope Francis advises, man is obliged to treat the earth in a manner that is “caring, protecting, overseeing, and preserving.”
VIEW ARTICLEWhy I’ve Tuned Out National Public Radio
September 2019NPR’s programming has drifted downward and to the Left: the expectable, inevitable, massive movement of most institutions in a democracy.
September 2019China could well be poised to inherit the earth that the U.S. once commanded — especially if our comparative student bodies are any indication.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Final Journey of the Jesuit Martyrs of North America & the Birthplace of St. Catherine Tekakwitha
July-August 2019The missionaries' love enabled them to long for martyrdom for the salvation of souls.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Myth of Meritocracy
June 2019A meritocracy fits America’s sense of itself as free from the class-based social structures that defined the European countries from which our predecessors fled.
VIEW ARTICLEOn the Trail of the Jesuit Martyrs of North America & St. Catherine Tekakwitha
June 2019Historians have to “get inside” their subjects if they are to understand and represent them well. 2,845 miles' worth of investigations are reported here.
VIEW ARTICLE“Raising Awareness”: Reducing Philanthropy to Vanity
May 2019There is something very particularly American about "raising awareness": it is democratic, in seeking to sway public opinion; it is optimistic; it is evangelical and yet post-Christian.
VIEW ARTICLEBy the Lakes of Babylon
March 2019Fr. Hesburgh proved to be a perfect avatar for the Notre Dame he created: an endorser of some kind of vaguely conceived “natural religion.”
VIEW ARTICLEFinding Security Behind Closed Doors
December 2018The sexbot is a tool that uses us and mocks our weakness. It is a vision of Hell: inhuman, ruthless, mendacious, comfortless, and cold.
November 2018Public discourse remains limited to material concerns, but what really differentiates human beings is culture, which is founded on religion.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Weight of Anchises
October 2018A descendant of the South asks: How do we properly reckon with our own families’ participation in historical racial injustice?
VIEW ARTICLEWhy American Politics Marginalizes Catholic Voters
October 2018American Catholics must be careful not to be more American than Catholic, especially since American politics is essentially Protestant.
VIEW ARTICLEBriefly: September 2018
September 2018Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality... The Maternal Face of God?: Explorations in Catholic Sophiology... Seeing is Believing: Why Our Culture Must Face the Victims of Abortion... An Introduction to Ethics: A Natural Law Approach
VIEW ARTICLEThe Politics of Suicide in Post-Christian America
July-August 2018There's a direct link between changes in theistic belief and suicide rates. "Disbelief can be deadly" is one way to put it.
VIEW ARTICLEWho Really Won the Civil War?
June 2018The Civil War remains a benchmark of contemporary issues and controversies; it raises questions of right and wrong, good and evil.
VIEW ARTICLELosing Our Religion
May 2018Distinctions between Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, and Episcopalian carry less and less import to today's Protestants, as "nondenominationalism" and "none of the above" become more common responses on U.S. religion surveys.
VIEW ARTICLEThey're Coming for Our Children
April 2018American Christians take pride in the "religious freedom" we think we enjoy. But rights regarding even our own children can evaporate into the mist.
VIEW ARTICLEAmerican Libidocracy
April 2018When faith is restricted to "personal" matters, it becomes socially retrograde and politically irrelevant, the possession of civil idiots.
VIEW ARTICLEThe News You May Have Missed
January-February 2018Put Not Your Trust in…Priests?... "I Believe in God the [redacted] Almighty"... Papal Peronista?... Scriptural Trans*lation... Veggie Bomb... A Tax on Both Your Houses... Mr. & Mr. Claus... Nintendo Dependency... and more
VIEW ARTICLEIs Football Past Its Prime?
December 2017The game diminishes the intrinsic worth of its participants, whose bodies, brains, and even lives are considered expendable.
VIEW ARTICLEWas Trump's Election Divinely Ordained?
December 2017If God accomplishes an amazing feat through someone less than holy, the temptation exists to whitewash the vice in that actor.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Most Segregated Hour
October 2017Could the continued separation of Christians into like-minded, like-colored pockets, or "bubbles," be a factor in racial inequality, racial tension, and overall injustice?
VIEW ARTICLETwilight of the Idols
October 2017Confederate monuments are coming down, as they ought. But once begun, where will it end? Where race in America is concerned, reason and real history have been superseded by sentimentalism and reaction — on all sides.
VIEW ARTICLETo Die from Having Lived
September 2017It is to have performed the obligations of one's vocation, to have used one's gifts and opportunities to give glory to God and serve others.
VIEW ARTICLEThe New Tower of Babel
September 2017Washington let it be known that if the states would but ask to be enrolled in the Common Core plan, billions of dollars in stimulus money would be theirs.
VIEW ARTICLEEugenics in the USA: Black Life, White Justice
January-February 2015Justice Ginsburg, a powerful abortion advocate, has been working for 20 years to reduce those populations she doesn't "want to have too many of."
VIEW ARTICLEOn Pilgrimage with Pope Francis
January-February 2015Francis allows us to surrender all our preconceived notions in favor of a direct encounter with the Lord of history in the circumstances in which He has placed us.
VIEW ARTICLEA Chronicle of Christendom's Decline
November 2014Historian Warren Carroll is, first and foremost, an eloquent exponent of Judeo-Christian values who puts character delineation front and center.
VIEW ARTICLEAnarchists in Chicago
November 2014The dominant liberal-progressive historians of the past 100 years have "photoshopped" the Haymarket event into their picture of America as an intolerant plutocracy.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Spirit of Democracy & the Threat of Elitism
April 2014The progressive elites now governing have enacted policies in apparent disregard of public opinion and traditional American values and principles.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Failure of Liberty
January-February 2014Ferrara shows how public recognition of the true religion is essential to a Christian order; thus, this order requires a certain intolerance of false religion.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Orientalism of Barack Obama
November 2012Modern-day American "anti-colonialism" is composed mostly of neo-Marxism mixed with a smidgen of post-Victorian disillusionment.
VIEW ARTICLECatholic Moment 2012
October 2012The path of explaining -- let alone implementing -- Catholic wisdom as applied to societal matters is a long and complicated one. It helps to have authentic lay Catholics in high offices.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Black Hole of American Morality
October 2012If the world was converted once, it can be converted again. The first time, only twelve Apostles and their disciples bravely managed to plant the seeds.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Catholic Connection
May 2012If interreligious connectedness is not recognized and cherished at a time when religion itself is imperiled, we are in a bad way.
VIEW ARTICLEFinding the Truth in a Narrative of Lies
May 2012Catholic bishops have been depicted as wishing to push women back into the supposed servitude of the Dark Ages.
VIEW ARTICLEOccasions of Truth
April 2012Sustained national discussion of taboo topics like contraception and Planned Parenthood have yielded valuable 'teaching moments' and surprisingly countercultural essays in some mainstream venues.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Culture War & the Catholic Church
April 2012In the face of rising opposition, will the Church blossom, as John Paul predicted, or will she contract, as Benedict expects?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Perils of Promoting Personhood
January-February 2012Conspicuously absent from a coalition of pro-life advocates supporting a personhood amendment in Mississippi were the bishops of Jackson and Biloxi.
VIEW ARTICLESaints for a Secular Nation
January-February 2012Secularism could be said to be our national religion, with its own pantheon of "saints," including the newly "canonized" Steve Jobs, founder of Apple and perfecter of the glowing handheld idol.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Rush to Radical Informality
January-February 2012Some delight in radical informality because they see it as emblematic of the spirit of American democracy and the ‘virtue’ of tolerance.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Great Catholic Science Textbook Debate
December 2011Any approach to teaching science must begin with certain attitudes and assumptions about the nature of the world around us.
VIEW ARTICLEWe're All Socialists Now
November 2011The traditional left and mainstream right are in the same camp, usually competing over the externals of governance, not the real substance of policy.
VIEW ARTICLEThe U.S. Catholic Church Is Sinking Fast -- Part III
May 2008The more Catholics enjoy the material and social comforts of mainstream America, it seems, the more they lose their faith.
VIEW ARTICLEIs Immigration Prolife?
June 2007Immigrants now make up about 20 percent of our seminarians and a majority of our Catholic youth.
VIEW ARTICLETo Make Catholics Fit Into America
November 2006Catholics can provide the best intellectual framework for the "American proposition," but subordinating the Church to a larger project is an error.
VIEW ARTICLECatholic Voters: Play Hard to Get
October 2004Don't run to the Republicans who promise a lot and deliver next to nothing. Don't run to the Democrats who tell us to ignore the murder of the unborn.
VIEW ARTICLEChristianity & the Space Program
January 2002The dawning era of extraterrestrial colonization has profound implications for organized religion and the spiritual orientation of popular culture.
VIEW ARTICLEIs the "Catholic Issue" Really Behind Us?
November 2001If only a Catholic could run as a Catholic and be elected as a Catholic (and not deny his Catholicism as John Kennedy did in 1960), then Al Smith might stand redeemed.
VIEW ARTICLECatholic History, Misconstrued
February 2001A problem arises when someone unfamiliar with Catholic history composes a study of eminent Catholics who lived under persecution.
VIEW ARTICLEWhen 'Faith-Sharing' Isn't
May 2000A Catholic high school teacher explains why a trendy (and mandated) exercise is really just an exercise in narcissistic self-indulgence.
VIEW ARTICLEAmerican Catholics as Cultural Protestants
November 1999Cardinal George said U.S. society "is the civil counterpart of a faith based on private interpretation of Scripture and private experience of God."
VIEW ARTICLEPower, Money, Deals, Drugs & Bimbos
October 1999Neurotics, sexual libertines, and drug users exercise enormous influence over our children via the entertainment industry.
VIEW ARTICLEOur Mischievous Founding Fathers?
October 1999We believe that our system of government secures freedom of religion. But, says Craycraft, we are deluded.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Intellectual Battle over the Puritan Legacy
November 1989The founders of Massachusetts believed, Miller says, “that ultimately all the world would imitate New England.”
VIEW ARTICLEAmerica's Children Are in Jeopardy
October 1989Suggesting that the very young, born or preborn, are not persons is exclusivist. It makes the betrayal of children almost morally palatable.
VIEW ARTICLEBorn in the U.S.A.
July-August 1989Let us not love America inordinately or unrealistically. It is enough to be Americans without also being vainglorious Americanists.
VIEW ARTICLECan a Catholic Be a True American?
July-August 1989A Protestant need not fret about a clash between religion and culture; for him, the two have generally been inseparable.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Continuing Irony of American History
June 1989Our past is neither as virtuous as our optimists think nor as vicious as our pessimists think. It consists, rather, of a mixture of comic and tragic elements.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Obsolescence of Left & Right
April 1989The “crisis of modernity” remains unresolved by a “sham conservatism” that merely sanctions the unbridled pursuit of worldly success.
VIEW ARTICLENew South, Old Religion
June 1988Is the South still the Bible Belt? Well, yes — but then, no, too: at least not in precisely the same way it used to be.
VIEW ARTICLEThis Land is Not Our Land
December 1987Review of Confessions of a Parish Priest by Andrew Greeley, A Path From Rome by Anthony Kenny, and Catholic America by John Cogley
VIEW ARTICLEAmerican Religion: Patriotic or Critical?
December 1986America is a formidable land in which to be in the world but not of it; its attractions are many and its lures seductive. The imperative for Christians lies in resistance.
VIEW ARTICLEAfter the Fall of Richmond, What?
November 1986For Allen Tate, Caroline Gordon, and Walker Percy, neither tradition nor wealth-getting nor Protestantism answered the question of the meaning of existence. Their answer was in the Church.
VIEW ARTICLEShort-Term Thinking & the Decline in Values
September 1986We are controlled by numerical systems run amok — creating lists and statistics, SAT scores and Nielsen ratings, Gallup and Harris polls, and the fearsome “bottom line.”
VIEW ARTICLEWeakness Amid Strength: The Roman Catholic Paradox
July August 1986We Catholics have nowhere near the influence that our numbers and organization would suggest. Man for man, woman for woman, the U.S. Catholic community has a surprisingly modest impact on American public life.
VIEW ARTICLEThe New Right & the Pro-life Movement: How Solid is the Marriage?
July August 1986March for Life organizer Nellie Gray had little patience with those who would solicit pro-life support simply to boost the bomb, bolster corporate profits, or get fluoride out of the water.
VIEW ARTICLEReligion & Race in the South
July August 1986In 1986 the Alabama legislature voted to observe the third Monday of each year in commemoration of both General Lee and Martin Luther King Jr.
VIEW ARTICLEThomas Merton on War, Gog & Magog
June 1986Merton’s decision to get actively involved in a campaign to abolish war came at a time when Cold War tensions reached a flash point and atmospheric nuclear testing was increasing.
VIEW ARTICLECultural Analysis
June 1986Dominant social classes and institutions now systematically encourage egotism, while discouraging forces that rein in the self, such as religion or traditional family life.
VIEW ARTICLE“Conservatism” in Europe
May 1986The Right in Western Europe is the immediate heir to the pre-1945, even pre-1914, system of values which it keeps alive on the political/cultural landscape.
VIEW ARTICLEStruggling With Today’s Evils
April 1986Elderly folks I once knew were proud of their indifference to the urban American world and its culture, its values and habits, of which they occasionally heard from their children.
VIEW ARTICLEBeyond the Mixing of Politics & Religion
April 1986Christians are not usually in politics on our own terms, from the unique standpoint of people who are trying to follow Jesus Christ.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Sanctity of Life & the Right to Adequate Health Care
March 1986Infant mortality, life expectancy, and disability rates confirm that the poor and uninsured permanently suffer the consequences of our broken healthcare system.
VIEW ARTICLEBilly Graham to the Rescue?
January-February 1986I fantasize that some contemporary Nathan the Prophet might chat with the President, not about sins like adultery and murder but about social sins. I’m afraid a Catholic bishop would not be right for the part.
VIEW ARTICLEChristopher Lasch: A Fellow Traveler with Christianity?
January-February 1986Lasch’s views on feminism and environmentalism illustrate his expressed intention to transcend the political ideologies of both Left and Right.
VIEW ARTICLEBruce Springsteen: American Working-Class Hero
December 1985Springsteen describes a difficult, often lonely America, yet he is an idealist speaking of plain virtues — strength of will, hard work, generosity.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Conflict Between Civil Piety & the Right to Life
November 1985America is in desperate need of hard love. Whether or not pro-lifers are adequate to the task of providing it only they themselves can answer.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Spiritual Life of Children — Part I
November 1985The mother of a child I was studying said, 'You ask our daughter about everything except God.' I was at a loss for words.
VIEW ARTICLEHankering for a Civil Religion
July-August 1985Neuhaus’s plea for the restoration of religious values in the public sphere and for the believing community to act there on the basis of its beliefs is proper and necessary.
VIEW ARTICLEDiagnosing America’s Troubled Ethos & Culture
July-August 1985The social basis of our culture is bureaucratic consumer capitalism centered on the autonomous individual and generally hostile to older ideas of moral order.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Hero Without & Within
March 1985The usual categories we summon to describe people, to explain their motives and purposes, can be rendered utterly inadequate by particular moments of crisis.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Two Minds of Modern Conservatism
January-February 1985The ultimate pitfall of classical liberalism is the annihilation of morality and the destruction of meaningful community life.
December 1984How can experts sort solidly idealistic activists from those who would end up a source of trouble to themselves or to those meant to be helped?
VIEW ARTICLEBeyond the Reefs of Roast Beef
November 1984Among the industrial nations of the West, only the U.S. has had no democratic socialist party of national significance, nor a party to speak for the labor movement.
VIEW ARTICLEJournalism, Theology, & History
September 1984Newspapers, confined to messages in black and white, often think in black and white and do not perceive true, profound traditionalism.
VIEW ARTICLEFleeing from the Whore of Babylon
September 1984Flesh-and-blood Catholics I met proved to be generous and kind people who had no desire to gobble up little Protestant boys.
VIEW ARTICLEContemplating the Foolishness of Our Age
June 1984Political activists of every stripe distrust Percy, for none of them knows exactly where to peg him.
VIEW ARTICLECan a Political Conservative Be a Christian?
January-February 1984The Christian conservative must not subsume his religion under his politics and thereby pervert a timeless Gospel into an ideological weapon.
VIEW ARTICLEOn Pornography
December 1983How are we to protect our children from an entire culture become in so many instances obsessively, coyly, or blatantly pornographic?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Passing of the Old-Timers
December 1983With their old anti-Stalinism gone because of Stalin’s death, the anger of many New York intellectuals was turned against American society.
November 1983When the Mass was translated into English, I noticed right away how often it says “Peace”: it’s repeated over and over again, like a heartbeat, clear through.
VIEW ARTICLEFundamentalism in Perspective
October 1983The theological and social perspectives of the “New Right” were developed, challenged, and solidified for the most part within the Baptist culture of the South.