From the NOR Dossiers
Economics & Catholic Social Teaching
The Gospel of Greed
May 2024What began as a removal of religious questions from the public square morphed into a draining of religion and practically all virtue from Americans’ purview.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Exalted & the Despised
December 2023Old categories of class, politics, and education have given way to a deep-down hatred for one another that traditional social sets can no longer begin to explain.
VIEW ARTICLEMeet the New Elites, Same as the Old Elites
December 2023The lesson of history is clear: You cannot change elites without changing the systems of property and production. This is an economic problem.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Demise of the Parish Cemetery
November 2023The Church is doing practically nothing to make people aware of legitimate green burial or to bring down the costs associated with the funeral industry.
VIEW ARTICLEHouseholding in Action
October 2023The working household constitutes a specific physical locus intimate enough to be personal but capacious enough to be a haven from the vicissitudes of market forces.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Return of the Householder
September 2023Destiny is leading us to home-based arrangements reminiscent of those of yore, without brutish living conditions and foreshortened lifespans.
VIEW ARTICLEA Terrible Forgetting
June 2023The greatest factors for maximizing religious commitment seem to be poverty and persecution, and for minimizing religious commitment: wealth and security.
VIEW ARTICLEAn Afflicter of the Comfortable & a Comforter of the Afflicted
March 2023Father Peter left a profound and enduring legacy as a pastor who knew the “smell of the sheep,” working with zeal and love on behalf of the poor.
VIEW ARTICLEWhat Is Integralism?
September 2022As the liberal order embraces more and more insanity, Catholics are stopping to ask whether there was something wrong with the liberal project from the outset.
VIEW ARTICLECan Government Solve Inequality?
December 2021A just economy is not the product of any ideology, capitalist or socialist or otherwise; it is a function of loving one’s neighbor.
VIEW ARTICLEIntegralism: A New Totalitarianism?
November 2021The “third way” promoted by integralists features a mindset that can be every bit as anti-Christian as the mindset that governs cultural revolutionaries.
July-August 2021The FIRE strategy -- which stands for financial independence, retire early -- doesn’t alter the debt-peonage economy; it just carves out exceptions for a select few.
VIEW ARTICLEAre Catholicism & Socialism Compatible?
June 2021Unlike the ideologies of both socialism and capitalism, the Church promotes a society in which all of life functions as a harmonious whole leading to Heaven.
VIEW ARTICLEShould Christians Pay Reparations for Racial Injustices?
April 2021The Church can engage in the work of racial reparations, but only while placing the project within a broader moral framework.
VIEW ARTICLESocialism: A Christian Heresy?
April 2020Socialism rejects the salvation of Jesus Christ and insists that man can be “freed” through the destruction of Church, family, and community.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Vatican’s Filthy Lucre
January-February 2020Peter’s Pence doesn’t solicit funds for financial speculation that fattens the Vatican’s investment portfolios; the fund shouldn’t be used that way.
VIEW ARTICLEA Map for the Christian Family-Man
March 2019Instead of frittering away his time, a young man needs to take charge of his livelihood and plan his own family-centered home economy.
VIEW ARTICLEPerfecting the Social Order
December 2018The foundations of Catholic social teaching are not in economic morality but in Catholic doctrine about the state and the nature of the human person.
VIEW ARTICLECooperation & Supernatural Brotherliness
September 2018Subsidiarity and solidarity were practiced in Cape Breton under the influence of the Catholic social-justice experiment, the Antigonish Movement.
VIEW ARTICLEEconomics for the Human Person
November 2017Self-interest alone was said to be the building assumption of much of classical economics. But it was a narrow basis.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Most Segregated Hour
October 2017Could the continued separation of Christians into like-minded, like-colored pockets, or "bubbles," be a factor in racial inequality, racial tension, and overall injustice?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Bishops' Pastoral on the Economy & the Scandal of Catholicism
September 2017What Catholicism offers is a consistent vision of Love, which is sacrifice, while the world offers dreams of money, power, and fast pleasure.
VIEW ARTICLEAre We Living in Georges Bernanos's Utilitarian Nightmare?
November 2016His vision suggests that free men are those who resist machinery, overcome or subvert propaganda, believe in God, and act responsibly toward both past and present.
VIEW ARTICLEMaking Sense of Papal Economics
October 2015Communism was founded on false anthropology, reminds John Paul, and that was its undoing. Consumerism can be undone the same way.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Most Pernicious Catholic Heresy
June 2015Belloc saw Islam as a Catholic heresy, and a heresy is an evil. Like Calvinistic Protestantism, it overemphasizes the transcendence of God and His "immutable decrees."
VIEW ARTICLEIs Pope Francis a Socialist?
October 2014He has said that "sustainable human and social development" depends on "a generous and disinterested spirit of gratuitousness at every level."
VIEW ARTICLEA Caricature of Charity
May 2014It could safely be said that the Catholic Church invented active care for the poor. After all, our salvation depends upon it (cf. Mt. 25:31-46).
VIEW ARTICLENew Names for Old Things
May 2014When will the majority of Catholics finally learn that we cannot pick and choose among the Church's teachings, and that the political divisions of the world have no place in the household of God?
VIEW ARTICLECan Free-Market Principles Reverse America's Decline?
May 2014Gregg recommends a return to personal initiative and individual self-interest, which he contends is a central and fundamental strength of the American tradition.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Modern-Day Little Shop of Horrors
January-February 2014In the "reproductive health industry," moral questions are rarely considered when there is money to be made.
VIEW ARTICLEMore Valuable Than Money
November 2012The Church's teaching office is highly centralized, but her finances are highly decentralized -- making for a system prone to mismanagement and abuse.
VIEW ARTICLEWhat Does It Mean to 'Serve Mammon'?
October 2012The possession of great riches, though not to be condemned in itself, nevertheless presents grave difficulties to the soul that seeks perfection.
VIEW ARTICLEMan-Child in the Promised Land
September 2012Video games, superhero movies, and comic-book conventions are marketed to grown men, who comprise a significant portion of consumers of such products.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Limits of the Moral Law
June 2012We cannot leave politics and economics, or war and peace, to the devil on the plea that it is too complex or too difficult to implement real reform.
VIEW ARTICLECornered by the Market
May 2012Once the 'market mentality' infects a society, authentic human relations suffer. Do we want a market economy or a market ? Where should consumerism end?
VIEW ARTICLEIs Your Job on the Endangered-Species List?
June 2011As the economy and culture become increasingly feminized, how long will it be before we start speaking of a "glass ceiling" for men?
VIEW ARTICLEWhy Consumerism Still Consumes Us
April 2011Since consumerism inverts every Christian priority, Christianity can only respond by inverting consumerism, by putting material things last.
VIEW ARTICLEAmerican Catholics: Unclear on the Concepts
March 2011Are American Catholics dense? That seemed, at first blush, to be the underlying message delivered by Peter Kodwo Appiah Cardinal Turkson.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Christian Art of Christmas Spending
December 2010Cheerful giving lifts man from the cold, heartless realm of business transactions to a spiritual world of liberality and abundance.
VIEW ARTICLEGet Married, Save the Economy
October 2010A report by the U.S. Congressional Budget Office stated that legalization of same-sex marriage in all fifty states would generate a huge tax windfall.
VIEW ARTICLEBusiness Ethics According to Pope John Paul II
September 2009All our actions in enterprise must be, according to John Paul II, "in conformity with the dignity and integral vocation of the human person."
VIEW ARTICLERecovering the Virtue of Prudence in an Age of Fraud
March 2009It's a strange idea that a nation can spend its way to prosperity, but among economists it's not even controversial.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Enemy Within
December 2008Why are wealthy bankers being handed golden government parachutes while our neighbors who are being foreclosed are kicked to the curb?
VIEW ARTICLEHouses Built on Sand
December 2008If we are wise, recent economic crises will remind us that all we gather on this earth eventually slips out of our grasp. Wealth and security are transient.
VIEW ARTICLEChristopher Lasch, Radical Orthodoxy & the Modern Collapse of the Self
November 2008Lasch combined a leftist critique of extant economic structures with an appreciation for the value of cultural tradition.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Traditional Catholic Worker Movement
January 2008Dorothy Day's movement is a solid expression of traditional Catholicism, rooted in the spirituality and thought of the Church.
VIEW ARTICLEEconomics Is Not Chemistry
June 2007Economists have tried to emulate the natural sciences and to present economics as a science that is able to predict human behavior, not simply describe it.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Church’s Social Patrimony
July/August 2006We must try to understand the rich corpus of Catholic social doctrine in its context and entirety by reading and consulting the original documents.
VIEW ARTICLEDives the Tax-Evader
June 2006Around the world, the struggle continues against economic theories that generate and tolerate excessive inequalities.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Background to ‘Rerum Novarum’
February 2006European Catholics grew aware of the need for an effective response to the conditions created by capitalism and industrialism during the 19th century.
VIEW ARTICLEFinancial Success, But at What Price?
November 2005Obsession with work and “workaholism” produce dangerous effects that lead to a desensitizing, deadening, and dehumanizing of the spirit.
VIEW ARTICLEAbsolute Economic Power Corrupts Absolutely
November 2005Whether in the Third World or in rural America, the financial and political powers care little about the lives of those who happen to be in the way of "progress."
VIEW ARTICLEThe Spiritual Hazards of Wealth
April 2005Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum, promulgated in 1891, remains closely in touch with the true mission of the Catholic Church: the salvation of souls.
VIEW ARTICLEA Giant Among Catholic Economists
February 2005Those who have studied conventional economics will find in Heinrich Pesch a starting point that is faithful both to economic facts and to the Church's teaching.
VIEW ARTICLEPossessed by Our Possessions
September 2004We have a society of many willing workaholics with low civic participation, families falling apart, unsupervised children, and lonely old people.
VIEW ARTICLEWhy (Most) Women Will Never Again Be Happy
May 2004According to free-market laws, the (almost) doubling of the labor supply will reduce wages to (almost) half. And so it was.
VIEW ARTICLEIs Globalization Inevitable?
April 2004Globalization of the economy could be halted or at least significantly modified so that the people of the world, rather than corporate interests, will benefit.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Social Purpose of Private Property
March 2003There is no principle in even the best marketing theory to distinguish useful goods that might benefit the public from evil or useless items.
VIEW ARTICLEDebt Relief the Cyrenian Way
June 2002The Cyrenian approach to debt relief is personal: he lends a debtor money out of his own pocket at an unbeatable interest rate — nothing.
VIEW ARTICLEThe "Stumbling and Tripping" of Executive Pay
December 2001Good will not come from maximizing stockholder wealth, but rather from reconnecting capital to labor and communities with a stake in it.
VIEW ARTICLE"The Church's Best Kept Secret"
February 2001Although the Church’s social doctrine is an integral part of her patrimony, it has elicited little interest, even from Catholics.
VIEW ARTICLECan Economic Justice Be Achieved Without Law?
October 2000Economics must be about more than what I do with my property; it must concern itself with the needs of the whole human race.
VIEW ARTICLEPreparing for the Return of The Catholic State
May 2000Honoring Christ as Sovereign King is not contrary to or unrelated to the human person’s fulfillment, but rather it is a necessary condition for it.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Scandal of Catholic Teachers' Pay
April 2000If states offer school vouchers to parents, then states should require teacher salaries commensurate with those of public-school teachers.
VIEW ARTICLE'Power to the People' Can Only Mean Property to the People
January 2000Capitalism and socialism begin with a practical materialism that elevates things over man or, worse, reduces man to a thing.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Religion of the Marketplace
September 1999This Faith has three basic dogmas: the primacy of desire, the creative energy of competition, and “nonjudgmentalism.”
VIEW ARTICLENeither Statism nor Individualism
June 1999If we are to subject all our being, thinking, and living to Christ and His Church, we cannot ignore the existence of Catholic social teaching.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Sovietization of American Women
May 1999John Paul II wrote, “The mentality which honors women more for their work outside the home than for their work within the family must be overcome.”
VIEW ARTICLECapitalism Is Squandering Its Inheritance
April 1999Free enterprise in its earlier stage was the unwitting and ungrateful beneficiary of generations of hardworking, God-fearing people.
VIEW ARTICLEOur Economy of Paper & Hot Air
September 1998The inflated paper value of our corporate structure as reflected in stocks has not the remotest connection to real capital.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Americanization of the Globe
February 1998It is in the economic and political interests of the U.S. to ensure the world’s common language is English, and common standards are American.
VIEW ARTICLEToward a Family-Centered Economy
December 1997The natural family household serves as a unit of both production and consumption, one built on altruism and love, where the principle of selfless sharing actually works.
VIEW ARTICLEIs Economic Justice Possible in This World? (Is Chastity?)
October 1997Whatever obstacles there are to achieving worldwide economic justice, the obstacles to achieving worldwide chastity are just as great.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Dilemma of Catholic Corporate Executives
December 1996The attention to common decency, justice, and fairness that we expect from the small businessman is applicable to General Motors and Microsoft too.
VIEW ARTICLEWhy the Frathouse Boy With the Adam Smith Tie Doesn't Look So Smart These Days
March 1996Champions of the global economy accepted a trade-off: a richer world but with a good many poorer Americans.
VIEW ARTICLECultural Socialism & the Culture of Capitalism
March 1996Materialism hides behind the often just economic proposals of some socialists, and behind the efficiency and productivity of certain capitalist systems.
VIEW ARTICLEWhose Money Is It, Anyway?
December 1995Society does have a claim on the wealth that is in our hands. Because it had a lot to do with placing it there.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Counterculture Turns Right (Economically)
October 1995The considerable number of old 60s radicals who grew to guard their vast wealth were motivated by self-interest back in their hippie days too.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Blessings of Downward Mobility
October 1995By narrowing one’s choices, a dearth of disposable income reduces life to manageable proportions. Leisure time is peaceful and vast.
VIEW ARTICLESin Is Good For the Economy
June 1995Immoral behavior is guaranteed to “create more jobs”; and every bit of the subsequent economic “growth” is strictly malignant.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Problem Is Not Too Many People
June 1995The best measure of the likelihood of human environmental destruction is not the number of people but how people consume and pollute.
VIEW ARTICLEA Just Society: It Cannot Be Drawn on a Balance Sheet
April 1995No matter what the Dow-Jones average is doing, “opportunities for work” must be “provided for those who are willing and able to work,” as Pius said.
VIEW ARTICLEChastity as a Form of Economic Subversion
December 1993For a person with a strong social conscience, chastity is a mature response to a great evil. It is a form of rebellion.
VIEW ARTICLEWith the Down & Out in Waterbury
September 1993Wendell Berry has written of "the real work of planet saving," that it will be "small, humble and humbling." Dorothy Day faced the problem "one small life at a time."
VIEW ARTICLEAnti-Capitalism on the Southern Horizon?
July-August 1993Review of The Two Churches: Catholicism & Capitalism in the World System
VIEW ARTICLEDistributing America
May 1993Is the economy supposed to serve man? Or are we to twist ourselves and our families to fit the impersonal demands of the economic juggernaut?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Cathedral of Business
April 1993Where we drift as a culture is determined more by the decisions of corporate managers -- and the values that dictate their decisions -- than by any other single influence.
VIEW ARTICLEOn Michael Novak's Democratic Capitalism
May 1992Can the destructive side of the capitalist growth process be mitigated while doing minimal damage to the creative side?
VIEW ARTICLEOn Brian Griffiths, Mrs. Thatcher's Christian Economic Advisor
April 1992God requires us to use our financial goods for charity and not just selfish enjoyment, as stewards of what we have been given.
VIEW ARTICLEOn Gary North, Texas Fundamentalist
March 1992Many Christian defenders of free market capitalism make good points but ignore or gloss over important texts that point to its limitations.
VIEW ARTICLEA Case Study: Laying Off American Workers, Gouging Mexican Workers
January-February 1992 VIEW ARTICLEThe Importance of Catholic Social Teaching for Envisioning the Good Society
November 1991 VIEW ARTICLEThe Triumph of Capitalism — or the Rise of Market Totalitarianism?
March 1991My colleague suggested, "Some people believe human life is priceless." The government expert replied, "We have no data on that."
VIEW ARTICLEReflections on the Past & Future of Democratic Socialism
October 1990The democratization of economic and social life is at the heart of the socialist idea today. The idea is simple, the techniques necessarily complex and difficult.
VIEW ARTICLEIf Not Communism or Capitalism, What?
September 1990Any efficient democracy must operate on the principle of subsidiarity, and this holds true in the economic as well as the political sphere.
VIEW ARTICLELiberation Theology: Can It Shake Its Affinity for Marxism?
July-August 1990What saints and Doctors of the Church have written is far more useful than anything written by Karl Marx in persuading Christians to adopt a critical attitude toward capitalism.
VIEW ARTICLEAdventures of a Middle-Class Catholic Bag-Lady
June 1990St. Francis of Assisi played a large role in my conversion from an atheistic, though Jewish, background. The ideal of poverty was firmly fixed in my imagination.
VIEW ARTICLEConspicuous Consumption & the Falling Rate of Enjoyment
January-February 1990Given an absence of time for imagining alternatives, our humanity is defined in terms of consumption. We lack the peace needed to cultivate ourselves as unique persons.
VIEW ARTICLEEconomics as if God Mattered
January-February 1990Review of Ethics and the National Economy
VIEW ARTICLEThe Underclass, Part V: Children & Violence
December 1989We see kids on the street with guns and stacks of $100 bills. There’s no rule of law, no belief in anyone’s laws -- not man’s, not God’s.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Underclass, Part IV: Schools & Mentors
October 1989One youth says, “I look at those teachers and their books, and I say: man, you’re out in space, and I’m where I am, and there’s nothing between us.”
VIEW ARTICLEThe Underclass, Part III: Drugs
September 1989How else to think of drug use — by anyone, living anywhere — as but the most obvious evidence of nihilism, of despair?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Underclass, Part II: Widespread Teenage Pregnancy
July-August 1989Girls in the ghetto are hungry for love, and desperately afraid of not going along with the social, cultural, and sexual pressures of the street.
VIEW ARTICLEWhy Socialists Should Drop Marx
June 1989Marx should neither remain a dominant theorist of the worldwide democratic socialist movement, nor the source of ideas, strategy, or analysis.
VIEW ARTICLEThe So-Called Underclass, Part I
June 1989Why don’t the “underclass” want to leave it? Is there, perhaps, some failure not of psychology or school experience but of the moral imagination?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Pope Confounds the Neoconservatives
April 1989Review of Aspiring to Freedom: Commentaries on John Paul II's Encyclical "The Social Concerns of the Church"
VIEW ARTICLEThe Obsolescence of Left & Right
April 1989The “crisis of modernity” remains unresolved by a “sham conservatism” that merely sanctions the unbridled pursuit of worldly success.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Social Thought of Michael Novak: At Odds with the Principles of Catholic Social Thought
November 1988 VIEW ARTICLEBodies for Sale: The Inhuman Face of Industrialism
June 1988Industry everywhere, East or West, whether controlled by the state or market forces, has no veneration for the Presence of the Godhead in the soul of the worker.
VIEW ARTICLECafeteria Catholicism & the Pope's Encyclical
May 1988John Paul II's encyclical repeatedly stresses the fact that "the Church's social doctrine adopts a critical attitude towards both liberal capitalism and Marxist collectivism."
VIEW ARTICLEThe Workers of Weirton Steel: Putting Catholic Social Teaching into Practice
December 1987 VIEW ARTICLEAmerican Conservatism’s Lost Soul
April 1987Review of The Search for Historical Meaning... The Capitalist Revolution... Conservatism... Alexis de Tocqueville... and Irving Babbitt in Our Time.
VIEW ARTICLEImplementing the Catholic Social Vision
March 1987Review of A Preface to Economic Democracy by Robert A. Dahl
VIEW ARTICLEVoluntary Poverty
January-February 1987The struggle toward voluntary poverty is a privilege and requires constant self-scrutiny, lest smugness and self-righteousness undo a decent and honorable effort.
VIEW ARTICLEA Victim of Spiritual Poverty
December 1986I know a successful businessman who is a victim of spiritual poverty, and some materially impoverished people I’ve met are spiritually affluent.
VIEW ARTICLEHeinrich Pesch & the Economics of Solidarism
November 1986Pesch is probably the greatest-ever economist. He designed an economic system based on Aristotelian-Thomistic philosophical premises.
VIEW ARTICLECapitalist Self-Seeking or Christian Self-Denial?
October 1986Christ’s earthly work, and ours, will be done when crosses are no longer needed for the salvation of men — when the poor are no longer with us.
VIEW ARTICLEShort-Term Thinking & the Decline in Values
September 1986We are controlled by numerical systems run amok — creating lists and statistics, SAT scores and Nielsen ratings, Gallup and Harris polls, and the fearsome “bottom line.”
VIEW ARTICLEOn “Liberation Theology”
September 1986A poor woman once told me that the Church “belongs” to her kind of people, not to them, the rich, the quite comfortable — appearances notwithstanding.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Vatican’s New Look at Liberation Theology
June 1986The Church has attempted to correct the excesses of radical liberation theology and that “dualistic” Christianity that views the Church as a fortress and calls on Christians to retreat within its walls.
VIEW ARTICLEA Critique of the Second Draft
May 1986The people of the USA are unwilling to make the right to a job a top priority and to get up the money to pay for it, even though they can easily afford to do so.
VIEW ARTICLEHaiti: Discovering Wealth in Poverty
May 1986We are blind to the vast and real poverty of our own country, which may only become apparent upon encountering spiritual wealth.
VIEW ARTICLEReinhold Niebuhr & Benigno Aquino
April 1986Niebuhr believed that many of the values of democratic society, while highly prized in the West, are neither understood nor desired outside the West.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Catholic Bishops & the Political Theory of Philanthropy
April 1986Morality based on the opening of the soul expressed by the prophets of Israel, the mystic philosophers of Greece, and the authors of the Gospels defies all calculations of self-interest and promises joy.
VIEW ARTICLEMother Teresa: Guided by Those She Guides
March 1986Mother Teresa started as her own version of a street person, so to speak, and the vision she had was as simple as Christ’s vision has always been.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Sanctity of Life & the Right to Adequate Health Care
March 1986Infant mortality, life expectancy, and disability rates confirm that the poor and uninsured permanently suffer the consequences of our broken healthcare system.
VIEW ARTICLEBad Things & Good People Revisited
March 1986Vertical religion and horizontal religion are parts of an integral whole. You go up by going sideways, and you go best sideways by focusing upward.
VIEW ARTICLEInsatiable Love
March 1986Gandhi, after an early distaste for Christianity because of its relationship to imperialism and aggressive “soul-savers,” came to a deep identification with the message of Jesus.
VIEW ARTICLEBilly Graham to the Rescue?
January-February 1986I fantasize that some contemporary Nathan the Prophet might chat with the President, not about sins like adultery and murder but about social sins. I’m afraid a Catholic bishop would not be right for the part.
VIEW ARTICLEJacques Maritain’s Friendship with Dorothy Day
December 1985Maritain and Day were of one mind on the use of private property toward the common good, and their desire to “exist with the people.”
VIEW ARTICLEThe Rough Edges of Socialism
October 1985Contemporary socialism of the democratic, Western European form hasn’t yet eliminated all its sharp edges.
VIEW ARTICLEOn the Bishops’ Draft Pastoral on the Economy & the Hostile Reactions to It
September 1985Conservatives' slogan “Mater, si! Magistra, no!” can only mean that papal teachings don't count for much compared to their superior wisdom.
VIEW ARTICLEIs a Union Good or Bad?
September 1985Unionism is simply the principle that human beings working together may derive benefits from banding together in an organization, on the basis that “in union there is strength.”
VIEW ARTICLEThe Vatican Looks at Non-Marxist Socialism
July-August 1985In its universal concern, the Church cannot be a mouthpiece for the West, even if, as a result, the Pope is accused of “misunderstanding the free-market economy.”
VIEW ARTICLEPhysician, Heal Thyself
July-August 1985A curious schizophrenia afflicts the corporate body of American Catholic institutions when it comes to the question of how to deal with a trade union.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Motherhood of the Church
June 1985A good mother teaches her children but knows that her teaching will not be well received if she does not also love her children with a vigorous and generous love.
VIEW ARTICLENicaragua & Neighborliness
May 1985The U.S. could have weaned Nicaragua away from the Soviets by the exercise of a little good neighborliness and the avoidance of a large amount of international immorality.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Truth About the A.C.T.U.
April 1985The resistance of American workers to communist domination of their trade unions was based on something far more solid than anti-communist hysteria.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Odyssey of an American Priest in Guatemala
April 1985My name was placed on a hit list; I was accused of being a communist. At the same time we were leafleted by guerrillas, who were attacking our stand on nonviolence.
VIEW ARTICLEDid the Bishops Strike Out in Pawtucket?
March 1985A real difficulty with the bishops’ pastoral letter on the U.S. economy is the ignorance and apathy of both laity and clergy.
VIEW ARTICLEComments on the First Draft of “Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy”
March 1985The average Catholic will ask himself, “What can I and my parish do for economic justice? How should my spiritual life affect my social behavior and my habits of consumption?”
VIEW ARTICLEThe Two Minds of Modern Conservatism
January-February 1985The ultimate pitfall of classical liberalism is the annihilation of morality and the destruction of meaningful community life.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Vatican & Liberation Theology
January-February 1985Liberation theologians, Catholic and Protestant but mostly Catholic, have been a major factor in struggling against poverty in Latin America.
VIEW ARTICLEToward a More Christian Economy
December 1984America is ripe to accept the Christian-Catholic view of work and economics, once it fully learns to understand and appreciate it.
VIEW ARTICLEEthical Reflections on the Economy
December 1984This statement was attacked by business leaders and the prime minister, and was the subject of a full-scale debate in the Canadian Parliament.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Right to Unionize & Defense of the Poor
November 1984The tradition of Catholic social teaching has roots in Abraham, Moses, the prophets, and in the very life and message of Jesus himself.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Development of Social Doctrine
November 1984A Christian’s concern for the material well-being of his neighbors springs, properly, not from a flat secularist social-welfare mentality but from an authentic interior spirituality.
VIEW ARTICLEEconomics & the Theology of Work
November 1984When the worker is engaged in work that is to him intrinsically meaningless, then he is deprived of work in the deeper sense, even when he makes a living wage.
VIEW ARTICLE“Radical” Bishops
October 1984The Church Fathers argue that the only justification for holding private property, beyond meeting one’s personal necessities, is to give it away!
VIEW ARTICLEPrice Markups & Moral Decline
September 1984The circulation of goods and services is a good. What is bad is the disorder that is introduced into this circulation by acts of injustice.
VIEW ARTICLEConsidering the Lilies of the Field
July-August 1984Jesus promises that if we are anxious about others first, then we need not be anxious about ourselves, for all these things will be added unto us.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Relevance of Riches & Poverty
May 1984The question remains for us, how do we obey the precept, the commandment to share our superfluous goods with the poor?
VIEW ARTICLEImpressions of Nicaragua — Part II
May 1984In the well-to-do sections of Managua, the Pope’s picture may be seen displayed proudly on the doors of houses, in any number of windows.
VIEW ARTICLESocrates on Communism & Capitalism
May 1984Socrates asks what would happen to a capitalist nation if everyone practiced the greedlessness of Jesus, or Buddha, or even Thoreau?
VIEW ARTICLEImpressions of Nicaragua — Part I
April 1984Recently I went with two of my sons to Nicaragua, where we spent time visiting schools, hospitals, clinics, a number of Managua’s barrio homes, and those of other cities.
VIEW ARTICLEA Christian View of Economic Virtue
March 1984Let us consider the free-market principle that competition should be the governing factor of the economic order.
VIEW ARTICLECan a Political Conservative Be a Christian?
January-February 1984The Christian conservative must not subsume his religion under his politics and thereby pervert a timeless Gospel into an ideological weapon.
VIEW ARTICLESamaritan Woman
December 1983The tall officer looked at his partner and raised an eyebrow, “You know him ma’am? He a friend of yours?” His partner caught the emphasis on the word “friend” and winced.
VIEW ARTICLESocial Justice & Hell-Fire
December 1983The Works of Mercy originated in a hell-fire sermon that Jesus preached as a final summary of his teaching, a sermon reported in the 25th chapter of Matthew.