Volume > Issue > Shame on You, Harvard!

Shame on You, Harvard!


By John C. Cort | September 1988

For good, bad, and mediocre reasons I tend to be proud of my Harvard degree and the fact that five of our children have gone to Harvard. I could have wished that more had chosen to go to Catho­lic colleges, but Harvard gives generous scholarships and there was no way I was going to dictate their choices.

But right now I am ashamed of Harvard, and particularly ashamed of its president, Derek Bok. Just before he took office in 1971, Bok was a pro­fessor at the Law School and published a book, La­bor and the American Community, together with John T. Dunlop, a well-known expert on the sub­ject. The book proclaims the value of unions, the idealistic qualities of most union leaders, the sig­nificant effect of unions in raising the wages and standards of non-union enterprises, and the urgen­cy for universities to develop closer relations with the labor movement and help it improve its perfor­mance.

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