From the NOR Dossiers
Pope Francis
A Rogue Receives a Red Hat
January-February 2025Radcliffe is a walking cliché who parrots all the standard liberal dogmas like women’s ordination, gays in the priesthood, and Communion for remarried Catholics.
VIEW ARTICLEIndiff’rent Strokes
November 2024In blurting out his opinion of the supposedly wonderful and God-gifted diversity of religions in a slapdash manner, Francis does great injustice to the Catholic religion.
VIEW ARTICLEA Machiavellian on the Throne of Peter?
September 2024Francis’s soundbite approach to theology has been a disaster for the Church. But worse have been the machinations from which the dissembling serves to distract us.
VIEW ARTICLEWas Pope Benedict XVI Holding Back the Destroying Flood?
May 2024Key to the great apostasy is the liturgy. “The way we treat the liturgy,” Benedict said, “determines the destiny of the faith and the Church.”
VIEW ARTICLEFiducia Supplicans: A Fine Mess
April 2024The Catholic Church is supposed to speak in one voice, down the ages, in season and out. Now she doesn’t even speak in one voice to her own people!
VIEW ARTICLETransanity Is Taking Over. How Will the Church Respond?
January-February 2024Gender ideologues are at work in the Church -- no surprise. That they occupy positions of power and speak with authority is, however, cause for great concern.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Latest Episode of the Francis Follies
October 2023We resist the urge to parse every questionable utterance that issues from the Pope’s mouth because the exercise is exhausting and not a little discouraging.
VIEW ARTICLEDystopia 101
May 2023An example of a powerful ruler who should be like a caring elder but seems more bent on crushing dissent comes from an unexpected source.
VIEW ARTICLEIt’s Time the Church Declared the Personhood of the Unborn
May 2023With our advanced scientific knowledge of fertilization and fetal development, there is really nothing standing in the way of a definitive doctrinal affirmation.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Pontifical Academy for What?
December 2022The Academy for Life’s horizons are so broad that it seems to have lost sight of its mission to promote and defend the Church’s pro-life teachings.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Great Deformer
July-August 2022When Pope Francis told millions at the 2013 World Youth Day to "make a mess," he was also describing the modus operandi of his papacy.
VIEW ARTICLEA Synod on What?
April 2022How can the Synod on Synodality be a rebalancing of ecclesial powers? It is, after all, the brainchild of the most powerful of ecclesial figures.
VIEW ARTICLETraditionis Custodes: Taking a Bulldozer to an Anthill
October 2021There are no protagonists in the latest liturgical drama, only antagonists. Nobody comes out clean, neither traditionalists nor Pope Francis.
VIEW ARTICLESome Dare Call It Schism
July-August 2021The German Church has launched a program of reforms with elements that, if approved by the bishops’ conference, would contradict longstanding Catholic teaching.
VIEW ARTICLESpiritus Domini: How the Exception Became the Rule
June 2021The Pope's decision to allow women into two “minor orders” of the Church shows how significant change can be instituted incrementally.
VIEW ARTICLEDispatch from the Dead Letter Office
May 2021The McCarrick report is a historical accounting that doesn’t hold anyone accountable, and it will have no practical consequences.
VIEW ARTICLEDefending Marriage in the Pope Francis Era
May 2021The language and tone of Amoris Laetitia seem to signal a retreat from the notion of exceptionless moral norms and the doctrine of indissolubility.
VIEW ARTICLEImbergoglios or Standard Franciscan Procedure?
March 2021Pope Francis is entitled to his opinions, and he’s not shy about sharing them in front of microphones. But his opinions don’t equate to magisterial pronunciations.
VIEW ARTICLELove of the People vs. Art of the Deal
November 2020Will Chinese Catholics belong to the Church, or will they be sold over as part of a political deal that some in the Vatican wish to strike with the powers of the world?
VIEW ARTICLEReligious Persecution Is Rising. Do Catholics Care?
November 2020Our struggles in the U.S. are a far cry from the hard persecution that our coreligionists elsewhere in the world face on a routine basis.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Fires This Time
October 2020July was a cruel month for attacks on Catholic churches. But the mother of them all wasn’t an act of destruction; it was an act of desecration, a hostile takeover of a former Catholic cathedral.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Priesthood in a Time of Darkness
July-August 2020The problem of two different conceptions of a cleric-as-minister and a cleric-as-priest divided Christendom and has seeped into the Church.
VIEW ARTICLETerrible Tenderness
June 2020For humanists, the religious impulse is redirected from traditional religions toward a secularized system of values such as egalitarianism and bodily health.
VIEW ARTICLEMillion-Dollar Bishops
March 2020It’s no coincidence that financial corruption walks hand in hand with sexual immorality. Where you find one, you’ll often find the other.
VIEW ARTICLELove of God & Love of Neighbor: One Commandment or Two?
January-February 2020Carinal Kasper grounds mercy in New Testament revelation and the Fathers of the Church. But his sources often do not say what he claims they say.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Vatican’s Filthy Lucre
January-February 2020Peter’s Pence doesn’t solicit funds for financial speculation that fattens the Vatican’s investment portfolios; the fund shouldn’t be used that way.
VIEW ARTICLEA Peek into Papal Priorities
December 2019Here’s your Pope: When pagan idols are removed from a sacred space, he apologizes; when his belief in the divinity of Christ is questioned, he’s silent.
VIEW ARTICLEPost-Truth, Climate Change & the Catholic University
October 2019As the earth was created before man, Pope Francis advises, man is obliged to treat the earth in a manner that is “caring, protecting, overseeing, and preserving.”
VIEW ARTICLEFather Figuring
July-August 2019The Catholic Church's sex-abuse problem is caused by predators who wear clerical collars and who are protected by a clericalist culture.
VIEW ARTICLEWuerl, the Flesh & the Devil
March 2019The whole Wuerl saga goes to show — yet again — that many of the leaders of the Church aren’t so much interested in professing the truth as they are in protecting their prestige.
VIEW ARTICLEAre Revelation & Modernity Compatible?
January-February 2019The effort of the Church to come to terms with the modern world too often assumes that contemporary culture is neutral when, in fact, it is closed to the transcendent.
VIEW ARTICLEIs Francis’s Revised Teaching on the Death Penalty a Development of Doctrine?
December 2018The Culture of Life may be advanced by the Holy Father’s innovation, but he has forged an unsettling theological path to take us there.
VIEW ARTICLEDante’s Divine Comedy & the Viganò Testimony
November 2018Then as now, opinion makers try to reduce those who testify against Church corruption to resentful reactionaries working out their revenge.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Strange Magnetism of Virtual Fisticuffs
November 2018What happens when a fairly obscure writer picks a fight with a Christian YouTube celebrity who has over 200,000 followers?
VIEW ARTICLEEcce Papa Franciscus!
November 2018The Pope convened a summit for February 2019 with the presidents of all bishops’ conferences to discuss "protection of minors."
VIEW ARTICLEAt Last, a Reckoning?
October 2018Archbishop Viganò has cracked open the Vatican cone of silence and exposed what might be a Church-wide cover-up of McCarrick’s crimes.
September 2018Pope Francis’s new appointees to the Pontifical Academy for Life have expanded the pro-life umbrella to include migrants, technology, and the environment.
VIEW ARTICLEIs Francis Doing What Jesus Did?
September 2018Heretics and schismatics today do not leave the Church to form their own separate bodies. They stay inside the Church and demand their ideas be included.
VIEW ARTICLEScalfari Strikes Again
June 2018Knowing Italian journalist Eugenio Scalfari's habit of not taking notes during interviews, why does Francis continue to allow him to stir up controversy and cause PR headaches for the Vatican?
VIEW ARTICLEAre There Atheists in Heaven?
June 2018Pope Francis well knows that whenever he speaks into a microphone, he is addressing not only those present but the whole world, in his capacity as leader of the Catholic Church. Therefore, his words are open to scrutiny.
VIEW ARTICLEZen & the Artifice of Vatican Diplomacy
April 2018Joseph Cardinal Zen Ze-kiun, archbishop emeritus of Hong Kong, calls the looming Vatican-China deal a "shameless surrender" that legitimizes the communist regime's episcopal appointments and "enslaves the Church."
VIEW ARTICLECardinal Cupich's Uncertain Trumpet
April 2018Revolution is an overturning of the present order; it is dreadful in any society. But it is impossible in the perfect society of the Holy Catholic Church.
VIEW ARTICLEWhat If Pope Francis Were to Rescind Summorum Pontificum?
March 2018What options does a parish that currently offers celebrations of the Mass in the extraordinary form have if it finds itself unable to continue doing so?
VIEW ARTICLEFalling into the Darkness of Error
March 2018Maurizio Chiodi, one of Pope Francis's most favored theologians, asserts that responsible parenthood can obligate a married couple to use artificial birth control. Yes, obligate!
VIEW ARTICLEChronic Confusion, Polarization & Polemics in the Church of Francis
December 2017After the and a , Pope Francis was the unhappy recipient of yet another critical letter that expresses concerns about his pontificate.
VIEW ARTICLEIs the Pope Looking to Lambeth?
November 2017Why would Pope Francis form a group to study the composition of the 1968 encyclical if the intent is not to fundamentally change its message?
VIEW ARTICLEUnder the Rainbow
November 2017When Catholic moral theology and LGBT "rights" collide, one must give way. How will this play out under the "inclusive" bishop of San Diego?
VIEW ARTICLEThe Sinner's Veto
November 2017Canon law reflects the Church's deliberate wisdom for faithfully carrying out the teachings of her Founder in a way that protects priests, laymen, and the community.
VIEW ARTICLEHow "Remarried" Catholics Can Validly Receive Communion
October 2017The regular practice of spiritual communion might be part of their discernment, penance, and preparation for full reintegration into the Church.
VIEW ARTICLEFrancis or Fundamentalism: A False Dichotomy
October 2017After the Council, the majority of both liberal and conservative Catholics have found their standard for belief and conduct in shifting political ideologies.
VIEW ARTICLEA Pontificate of Mercy — or a Merciless Pontificate?
September 2017The time has come to offer an unvarnished look at the fruits of this papacy: Four-and-a-half years of evidence shows that Francis has fomented division and preached politics over the Gospel.
VIEW ARTICLESilence of the Shepherds
July-August 2017ISIS capitalizes on the West's ignorance of its own history. The Pope and bishops should allow competent theologians and historians to publicly defend the faith against Muslim propaganda.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Church's Strange Reappraisal of Islam
June 2017The Church came to see Islam as meriting different treatment because it is a religion, unlike Nazism and Communism, which were secular and atheistic ideologies.
VIEW ARTICLEAmoris Laetitia: What Is Pope Francis Up To?
June 2017When the Apostles, with Spirit-led courage and Christ-like mercy, boldly lifted the full yoke of the law from the disciples' shoulders, they retained sexual morality.
VIEW ARTICLEDawah, Dislocation & the Hijacking of Catholic-Muslim Dialogue
May 2017The USCCB must recognize the threat that dialogue with ISNA and ICNA presents, and either seek partners without Islamist motives or end the dialogue altogether.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Interfaith Delusion
April 2017It is time for the Catholic faithful to question the Church's interreligious efforts vis-à-vis Islam, with respect to its goals and choice of dialogue partners.
VIEW ARTICLEA "Climate of Fear" in the Vatican?
January-February 2017Bishop Schneider of Kazakhstan says in Rome today, churchmen "live in a climate of threats and of denial of dialogue towards a specific group" — that is, towards anyone not in lockstep with Francis's reform movement.
VIEW ARTICLETo Kill in the Name of God Is Satanic
December 2016The Pope plainly stated, "To kill in the name of God is satanic," but again he studiously avoided identifying Muslim terrorists as perpetrators of this.
VIEW ARTICLEA Sign of Self-Contradiction
December 2016Today, transgenderism is firmly established in the cultural landscape. Who will cut through the cant, expose the cultural masquerade, and proclaim the truth? Our religious leaders?
VIEW ARTICLEA Year of Magical Thinking
November 2016The chief rabbi of Poland said that while "there's not a silence" about the persecution of Christians around the world, "there is not enough yelling and screaming."
VIEW ARTICLEIslam Is Like Fruit Salad?
October 2016Pope Francis sows confusion when he makes unconsidered or uninformed remarks during his in-flight press conferences, which are supposedly held in order that he might appear honest and transparent.
VIEW ARTICLEBarbarians Inside the Temple
September 2016By killing a priest as he celebrated Mass, Islamic supremacists have framed their ongoing aggression as a religious war between Islam and Catholicism.
VIEW ARTICLEIs It 'Triumphalist' to Acknowledge Europe's Christian Roots?
July-August 2016Francis speaks to the European body, not its soul. This is a development with grave consequences for the Church in Europe.
VIEW ARTICLECardinal Kasper's Merciful Incoherencies
June 2016He proposes an existential approach to God that focuses not on ontology but on the way in which the Bible reveals that the Almighty relates mercifully to humanity.
VIEW ARTICLEPope Francis's Appeasement Plan: Securing a False Peace With Iran
June 2016At a time when Western culture has long since excised Christian faith from its core, the lone bulwark against an avalanche of secularism is Rome.
VIEW ARTICLE'The Remnant' Crosses the Rubicon
May 2016Debate, dialogue, discuss, argue, or even shout, as your personal taste in such matters dictates. But schism is never the answer.
VIEW ARTICLEA Virus, a Crisis
April 2016Why didn't Pope Francis immediately promote natural family planning as soon as he heard the reporter ask about the licitness of "avoiding pregnancy"?
VIEW ARTICLEA New Springtime for Liberal Catholicism?
April 2016When John Paul II and Benedict XVI commanded the chair of Peter, conservative and orthodox Catholics knew the pope and Magisterium were their 'court of last appeal.' That privilege now belongs to liberal Catholics.
VIEW ARTICLEPope Francis Streamlines the Annulment Process
March 2016Salvation of souls requires us to desire and pursue what is true, not to call true what we desire.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Other Side of Mercy
January-February 2016Meditation on divine mercy is counterproductive if it crowds out our fear of Hell, along with our recognition that God can and will allow souls to go there.
VIEW ARTICLEFrancis & the Lutherans: Intercommunion Confusion
January-February 2016A joint document published by the U.S. bishops and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America leaves unsaid how "Eucharistic hospitality" can be accomplished without violating Catholic practice.
VIEW ARTICLECrossing the Chasm of Faith & Praxis
December 2015The late-twentieth-century Catholic Church didn't mean ill; she was simply too exhausted to bother her members much.
VIEW ARTICLEPope Francis Doesn't Need Your Applause
November 2015Pope Francis isn't satisfied with the reductionism that narrows the Catholic ethic of life to "no abortion," or the Catholic teaching on the family to "no same-sex marriage."
VIEW ARTICLEThe Theological Blurriness of Cardinal Marx
May 2015German Cardinals Marx and Kasper have implied by their words and actions that national episcopal conferences can form their own doctrinal and pastoral policies apart from Rome and contrary to the Church's universal teaching.
VIEW ARTICLELosing the Liberals
March 2015As we mark the two-year anniversary of Jorge Bergoglio's election to the papacy, the extended honeymoon period with liberal Catholics that he enjoyed is coming to a bitter close.
VIEW ARTICLERabbitgate: Twelve Questions for Pope Francis
March 2015If the mothers and fathers of large families seek the Lord and have goodwill, who are we to judge them? Indeed, who is Pope Francis to judge them?
VIEW ARTICLEOn Pilgrimage with Pope Francis
January-February 2015Francis allows us to surrender all our preconceived notions in favor of a direct encounter with the Lord of history in the circumstances in which He has placed us.
VIEW ARTICLEAberrations, Confusion, Synodal Machinations
December 2014The interim report of the Synod on the Family shone a light on reformers who seem bent on transforming the Church into a replica of the Anglican Communion.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Heavyweight Prelate Debate
December 2014The Synod was part of a larger struggle between two opposing camps, both of which are led by men who've dominated the post-Vatican II ecclesiastical landscape: Joseph Ratzinger and Walter Kasper.
VIEW ARTICLEEnter the American Bergoglio
November 2014The National Catholic Reporter, the anti-Catholic Huffington Post, New Ways Ministry, and Call to Action are thrilled with Archbishop-elect Blase Cupich, Chicago's shepherd since 2014.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Blood Crying Out from the Ground
October 2014We Westerners bear responsibility for the current sufferings in Iraq. We created a power vacuum there that has been filled by bloodthirsty maniacs hellbent on religious cleansing.
VIEW ARTICLEIs Pope Francis a Socialist?
October 2014He has said that "sustainable human and social development" depends on "a generous and disinterested spirit of gratuitousness at every level."
VIEW ARTICLELost in the Plethora of Anathemas
September 2014The Pope hurls one anathema after the next. Each time he speaks, each time he gives an interview, he seems to have a fresh target — and many are members of the Catholic Church.
VIEW ARTICLEFalse Mercy & the Integrity of Marriage
May 2014Cardinal Burke, the Church's foremost expert on annulment, said the process is "essentially connected with the doctrinal truth" of the Church, and changes should be considered with great care.
VIEW ARTICLEHow Effective Is the "Francis Effect"?
May 2014The alleged "Francis effect" on church attendance appears to be more wishful thinking than actual fact, but the Church's financial figures have experienced a boost.
VIEW ARTICLEAs the Tables Turn
May 2014The shift in the Congregation for Bishops could signal a coming sea change in the type of bishops and priests who are tapped to head American dioceses over the next decade.
VIEW ARTICLECanon Fire: Burke vs. Wuerl
April 2014Pro-abortion Catholic politicians are unlikely to experience problems with their new bishops in coming years.
VIEW ARTICLEThe German Question
April 2014On the question of how to accommodate second marriages in the Church, most of the key players in the debate, for now, happen to be German bishops and cardinals.
VIEW ARTICLEPope Francis: Put-Down Artist?
April 2014Generally speaking, Pope Francis's language of mercy and compassion has been directed toward "outsiders." To those inside the sheepfold, he's struck a startlingly different tone.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Self-Fulfilling Prophet
March 2014Oscar Andres Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga has opined, "I'm firmly convinced we are at the dawn of a new era in the Church, just as when Pope John XXIII opened its windows 50 years ago and made it let in fresh air."
VIEW ARTICLEReading Francis through Manzoni
March 2014The main themes of "The Betrothed" include the mercy and forgiveness of God and the corruption caused by love of wealth and worldliness in society and the Church.
VIEW ARTICLEPope Francis: Delight of the World
December 2013Jorge Mario Bergoglio is fast becoming one of the most popular persons on the planet, a global celebrity of the greatest appeal.
VIEW ARTICLEPope Francis & the Primacy of Conscience
December 2013The most egregious remark in the Pope's interview with Scalfari concerns a subjective definition of conscience, one that the self-described atheist says he "perfectly shares."
VIEW ARTICLEThe Poor Misunderstood Pope?
November 2013While Pope Francis doesn't deny the truth or the faith, he implicitly calls some of it into question, not only by his call for a re-ordering of priorities, but through his uncertain and inexact language.
VIEW ARTICLEIs Francis Flogging Conservative Catholics?
October 2013Left-leaning journalists trumpet Pope Francis's "new direction," using thinly-veiled triumphalist language to show that the pontifical tables have finally turned.
VIEW ARTICLEDances With Wolves, Vatican Edition
September 2013The days of trusting what's going on deep behind the scenes in chanceries and in the Roman curia are over. Transparency is what's needed, not blind trust in some broken bureaucracy.
VIEW ARTICLEAction & Overreaction: Figuring Out Francis
June 2013Our new Pontiff has new ideas and a new manner of delivery. Even as we are jolted about by his surprises, we see that he is staying faithful to his mandate.
VIEW ARTICLEWill the Real Pope Francis Please Stand Up?
May 2013Aside from style, Francis gives every indication of carrying on the essential spiritual vision of Benedict XVI, particularly in battling the "tyranny of relativism."