From the NOR Dossiers
Religion: A Cause of War?
December 2023For every “religious war” there have been 13 others, which, according to the Encyclopedia of Wars, could have been avoided had there been more religion.
VIEW ARTICLEFreak Bus Across Afghanistan
May 2023My rescuers had, without any advance notice, sacrificed their money, time, and convenience for the sake of this foreigner, this stranger, perhaps this infidel.
VIEW ARTICLENight Bus Across Baluchistan
April 2023For $333 I would receive “transportation by bus and double occupancy of a tent” on an escorted 60-day ride from Frankfurt, Germany, to Kathmandu, Nepal.
VIEW ARTICLEJihad in the Modern World
April 2022Fourteen centuries after the death of Muhammad, jihad remains a major obstacle to the full integration of Muslims into modern society.
VIEW ARTICLEOvercoming Our Culture of Indifference
January-February 2022We are called to care for the sojourner and to be sympathetic and responsive to the needs of those fleeing poverty, political oppression, or religious persecution.
VIEW ARTICLEA Mathematical Analysis of the Qur’an
July-August 2021Texts have a “signature,” or a kind of DNA, that allows us to determine whether a book was written by one or several authors. The Qur’an has traces of at least thirty.
VIEW ARTICLEReligious Persecution Is Rising. Do Catholics Care?
November 2020Our struggles in the U.S. are a far cry from the hard persecution that our coreligionists elsewhere in the world face on a routine basis.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Fires This Time
October 2020July was a cruel month for attacks on Catholic churches. But the mother of them all wasn’t an act of destruction; it was an act of desecration, a hostile takeover of a former Catholic cathedral.
VIEW ARTICLEIslam Critiqued by Ex-Muslims
January-February 2020Online criticism of Islam is a new phenomenon, a revolutionary movement that eludes the control of the imams, Islam’s religious leaders.
VIEW ARTICLEExotic Seed, Sown Deep in the Persian Dust
November 2019God leads us singly, according to our soul’s most intricate pathways, to the joy that we were born to know as unrepeatable individuals.
VIEW ARTICLEIn Bureaucracy’s Grip
November 2019Our friends are being squeezed by the vise of Islamic extremism and by the incomprehensible, inescapable grip of U.S. federal bureaucracy.
VIEW ARTICLEIslam’s Engine of Conquest
September 2019Two-thirds of Christendom’s original territory — including Jerusalem, Antioch, and Alexandria — were swallowed up by Islam and thoroughly Arabized.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Qur’an as Allah’s Logos
June 2019Instead of completely erasing references to “the Word,” Muhammad attributed them to the Qur’an, thus making the book he received the true Logos of the Creator.
VIEW ARTICLELearning the Meaning of Longsuffering
January-February 2019We all suffer together, we members of the mystical body of Christ. Our every act of virtue contributes to the glory of Christ’s Church.
VIEW ARTICLENazarenes under the Scimitar
January-February 2019The only place in the Middle East where Christians face no restrictions on the practice of their faith is Israel, where they comprise two percent of the population.
VIEW ARTICLECatholic Dreamers’ Failed Dialogue with Islam
November 2018Interreligious talks have proven fruitless, and our own theologians have not told us even the minimum of truth about Islam.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Futility of Trying to Derive a Religion from a Book
November 2018‘Scripture Alone’ fails both Muslims and Protestants, as living by one text leads to problems of authority and fundamentalism.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Founding Father of the Christian Tradition Concerning Islam
June 2018St. John of Damascus wrote two brief yet remarkable treatises against Islam, and he can be called first apologist to the Muslims.
VIEW ARTICLEFrom a Witness in Bangkok to a Near Martyr in Karachi
May 2018When we resist the demands of militant Islam, we are met not with pluralist-themed discussions or congenial tolerance but violence.
VIEW ARTICLEAre Islam & Democracy Compatible?
May 2018Allah's laws and actions do not have to be reasonable; they simply have to be obeyed. Religious obligation flows not from reason or moral philosophy but from sharia law.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Origins of the French "Jihad of Proximity"
April 2018Embracing Islam is a fast way to go from the plain-vanilla dullness of "white privilege" to the thrilling and coveted status of aggrieved and irascible victim.
VIEW ARTICLEPeter Against the Saracens
March 2018Peter's treatise can be summed up thus: Put away your swords and "prove," whether "from an authority or by reason," that Muhammad was indeed a prophet.
VIEW ARTICLEIslamic Anti-Semitism & the Culture of Hate
January-February 2018The vast majority of anti-Semitic attacks in Europe (and elsewhere) are being perpetrated not by neo-Nazi skinheads but by Muslims. That might explain why we don't hear much about it.
VIEW ARTICLEPearls of Greatest Price
November 2017What compelled so many people to give so much — families offering thousands of dollars — to those they hardly knew, might never know?
VIEW ARTICLEA Demon-Haunted Europe: Democracy's Totalitarian Impulse
October 2017Ryszard Legutko traces the twin developments of liberalism and democracy and shows how, at their precise intersection, the totalitarian impulse rises.
VIEW ARTICLESilence of the Shepherds
July-August 2017ISIS capitalizes on the West's ignorance of its own history. The Pope and bishops should allow competent theologians and historians to publicly defend the faith against Muslim propaganda.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Church's Strange Reappraisal of Islam
June 2017The Church came to see Islam as meriting different treatment because it is a religion, unlike Nazism and Communism, which were secular and atheistic ideologies.
VIEW ARTICLEDawah, Dislocation & the Hijacking of Catholic-Muslim Dialogue
May 2017The USCCB must recognize the threat that dialogue with ISNA and ICNA presents, and either seek partners without Islamist motives or end the dialogue altogether.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Femi-Swedes' Hijab Détente
April 2017Sweden's "first feminist government" sent a delegation to sign a trade deal in Iran, where the women felt compelled to wear headscarves and heavy coats.
VIEW ARTICLEIs Love Really All You Need?
April 2017When love is encased in truth, it radiates peace and societies prosper. Without truth, love is a silk noose strangling the souls of men and squeezing the life from society.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Interfaith Delusion
April 2017It is time for the Catholic faithful to question the Church's interreligious efforts vis-à-vis Islam, with respect to its goals and choice of dialogue partners.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Andalusian Illusion
April 2017Certain scholars postulate that Islamic Spain was an exemplar of religious tolerance and diversity. Nothing could be further from the truth.
VIEW ARTICLEA Witness in Bangkok
December 2016The humiliations and defeats Michael and his family have endured are a testament to a family caught up in a story of redemption far greater than themselves.
VIEW ARTICLETo Kill in the Name of God Is Satanic
December 2016The Pope plainly stated, "To kill in the name of God is satanic," but again he studiously avoided identifying Muslim terrorists as perpetrators of this.
VIEW ARTICLEAre You Sleeping?
November 2016Apathy and passivity are not the characteristics of civilized people. They are marks of submissive people who invite an authoritarian regime to control their lives.
VIEW ARTICLEA Year of Magical Thinking
November 2016The chief rabbi of Poland said that while "there's not a silence" about the persecution of Christians around the world, "there is not enough yelling and screaming."
VIEW ARTICLEIslam Is Like Fruit Salad?
October 2016Pope Francis sows confusion when he makes unconsidered or uninformed remarks during his in-flight press conferences, which are supposedly held in order that he might appear honest and transparent.
VIEW ARTICLEBarbarians Inside the Temple
September 2016By killing a priest as he celebrated Mass, Islamic supremacists have framed their ongoing aggression as a religious war between Islam and Catholicism.
VIEW ARTICLETerror at the Disco: Why the Experts Always Come Up Empty
July-August 2016Again after the Orlando massacre, the national conversation about anti-gay hatred studiously avoided any mention of Islam and the Muslim view of homosexuality. Anger was directed primarily at conservative Christians.
VIEW ARTICLEPope Francis's Appeasement Plan: Securing a False Peace With Iran
June 2016At a time when Western culture has long since excised Christian faith from its core, the lone bulwark against an avalanche of secularism is Rome.
VIEW ARTICLEWhy the Left Rules the Rhetorical Battlefield
June 2016By rejecting the cultural particularism that informed the disposition of the Old Right, its prodigal descendent dooms itself to aimlessly meander the political landscape.
VIEW ARTICLEThe New Double Standard
May 2016Media pundits and cultural elites who routinely excoriate the Church with false charges are oddly silent when it comes to flagrant transgressions by Muslims against gays, women, and non-Muslims.
VIEW ARTICLELooking Beyond Malalapalooza
April 2016For those seeking Muslim female viewpoints that depart from the politically correct narrative, we suggest the writings and speeches of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nonie Darwish, and Brigitte Gabriel.
VIEW ARTICLEBarbarians Inside the Gates
March 2016Why does compassion for anti-Semitic, chauvinist Muslim male refugees trump compassion for Jews' and women's human rights and dignity?
VIEW ARTICLEGiving an Appearance of Solidity to Pure Wind
January-February 2016When considering Muslim tolerance, one might inquire: Are Muslim attitudes toward drinking alcohol tolerant? And how about free speech? Women's rights? Freedom of religion? Music and Art?
VIEW ARTICLEEcumenism of Blood: Persecution’s Fruit?
December 2015As much as we assume Christianity's home is Europe, the reality is that, in its first few centuries, Christianity was far more Middle Eastern than European.
VIEW ARTICLEWhat If #AhmedIsaFake?
November 2015"Clock boy" Ahmed Mohamed may have a promising career ahead of him, not as an engineer or an inventor but as a social agitator and propagandist.
VIEW ARTICLEBarbarians at the Gates of Civilization
July-August 2015ISIS militants are true barbarians. Unlike most American or European rioters, they are evildoers . They've devoted their lives to violence and terror, destruction and mayhem.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Fraudsters of Islamophobia
June 2015The slain editor of Charlie Hebdo has posthumously published a book on the subject of "Islamophobia," which he calls a "misplaced fight" spawned by "disgusting white, left-wing bourgeois paternalism."
VIEW ARTICLEThe Most Pernicious Catholic Heresy
June 2015Belloc saw Islam as a Catholic heresy, and a heresy is an evil. Like Calvinistic Protestantism, it overemphasizes the transcendence of God and His "immutable decrees."
VIEW ARTICLEWho Will Call It Genocide?
April 2015Western journalists, often too busy reporting on so-called Islamophobia in our own backyard, have largely neglected the systematic extermination of Christians in biblical lands.
VIEW ARTICLEThe View from Obama's "High Horse"
April 2015Any brutal act of a crusader was his brutal act, not the Church's. The Church teaches that men who commit such acts will be severely judged by God in the afterlife.
VIEW ARTICLE"Islam Has a Problem"
March 2015Bobby Jindal, the two-term governor of Louisiana, said in a highly publicized speech in London that "Islam has a problem." He continued, "religion that allows and endorses killing those who oppose it is not a religion at all," but "a terrorist movement."
VIEW ARTICLEThe Blood Crying Out from the Ground
October 2014We Westerners bear responsibility for the current sufferings in Iraq. We created a power vacuum there that has been filled by bloodthirsty maniacs hellbent on religious cleansing.
VIEW ARTICLEIslam: Victors Vanquishing Victims
October 2014The former period of tolerance toward Christians in Muslim lands is an exception, and the present attacks on Christians are the norm.
VIEW ARTICLEHas the Church in the U.S. Succumbed to the Charms of Islam?
January-February 2014Cardinal Dolan told his Islamic audience, "You love God, we love God, and he is the same God," and he thanked them "for making me feel like a friend and a member of a family."
VIEW ARTICLEThe Pilgrim Church & Ummat al-Islam
November 2013Between the errors of inclusivism and pluralism, on the one hand, and a terrestrial, authoritarian concept of community, on the other, is a truer concept of peace.
VIEW ARTICLEA Continent of Contradictions
January-February 2012Africa is “at once beautiful and hideous, full of the most innocent love and the most unadulterated hatred, captivating at one moment and horrifying the next.”
VIEW ARTICLEThe New Islamophobia
October 2011While mainstream journalists and academic talking heads exhibit a different kind of Islamophobia-- an inordinate fear of Islam-- they have no problems at all with shortchanging Christianity.
VIEW ARTICLEWhen Sectarian Violence Is Genocide
September 2011'Sanitized' news articles report Christian persecution as sectarian or ethnic violence, an inaccurate characterization of the reality of Christian minorities in the world today.
VIEW ARTICLEFive Common Misconceptions About Islam
May 2011We Catholics must live our faith fervently and in true, heartfelt love, so that others might see our good works and give glory to our Father in Heaven.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Pope's Problem
April 2011Benedict XVI said he had meant the Regensburg lecture as "a strictly academic address" without realizing the world sees papal lectures as "political statements."
VIEW ARTICLEWe're Taking Our Ball & Going Home
March 2011When Pope Benedict urged the governments of Muslim countries to take more effective measures to protect religious minorities within their borders, Egypt went apoplectic.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Last Acceptable Prejudice
December 2010A man says he feels uncomfortable around Muslims on planes — and that makes him a racist? Just ask Juan Williams.
VIEW ARTICLEExodus & Bloodbath: Christians in the Middle East
December 2010Just days before the massacre of dozens of Christians during a Mass in Baghdad, Iraq's Chaldean Patriarch warned of a 'Satanic plan' to drive Christians out of the Middle East.
VIEW ARTICLESwords About the Cross
November 2010The modern age worships success, and the notion of fighting for a noble, though doomed, cause is foreign to us.
VIEW ARTICLEIn Turkey, the Church Officially Does Not Exist
July-August 2010Why did Murat Altun, after murdering a prominent archbishop, shout "Allah Akbar!" (God is great!) and boast of having killed "the great Satan"?
VIEW ARTICLEIslamic Contradictions
July-August 2010Review of Cracks in the Crescent by Hussein Hajji Wario
VIEW ARTICLEAn Army of Locusts Arises From the Smoke
June 2010Abraham Woodhead interpreted Apocalypse 9 as predicting a sudden invasion of Christendom by a horde of violent and unnaturally lustful insects.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Silent Spectre of Religious Cleansing
April 2010The rise of Islamic extremism is putting increasing pressure on Christians in Muslim countries, where they are routinely victims of murder, violence, and discrimination.
VIEW ARTICLE'Inquiry' Shall Set Us Free?
December 2008Should Catholics try to convert Muslims? This has been a thorny question since the promulgation of Nostra Aetate.
VIEW ARTICLEBeware the Sajdah
May 2008As a practice of personal piety, the laity may use the posture of prostration as an expression of humility only in private.
VIEW ARTICLERetouching the Egregious Distortions of the Crusades
November 2007Review of God's War: A New History of the Crusades
VIEW ARTICLEWestern Christianity & Muslim Societies on Morality
October 2007According to Pat Buchanan, Muslims hate us Westerners not for who we are but for what we do, e.g., abortion and sodomy.
October 2007We Christians have let the world forget the suffering of fellow Christians and the suffering of aborted children.
VIEW ARTICLEGood News & Bad News
April 2007In Africa, every year six million Muslims convert to Christianity, and very few Christians convert to Islam. In Europe it's a different story.
VIEW ARTICLECardinal Scola Exchanges Views With a Muslim Leader
April 2007Obscurity doesn't necessarily connote profundity, either. Nor does simplicity, of course, but at least it will be understood.
VIEW ARTICLEFuel Conservation: No War Needed
February 2007We Americans must embark on drastic measures or the consequence will be more U.S. blood shed and treasure spent for oil in the anti-American Middle East.
VIEW ARTICLEIn 1531, Mary Intervened to Prevent a Clash of Civilizations
February 2007Many Moslem women not only resemble our Lady in their style of dress but also in the practice of a virtue that Western women must once again embrace.
VIEW ARTICLEThe So-Called War on Terror
November 2006After the nuclear attacks on Japan, Gen. Curtis LeMay said, "There are no innocent civilians," and that's what Osama says.
June 2006Strangers come to change our way of life and impose their ways on us. They are motivated by greed for the fruits of our land and the minerals our land produced.
VIEW ARTICLEAbortion & Muslim Terrorism
May 2006Abortion is far worse than Muslim terrorism for the sheer breadth and scope of the death and devastation it has wrought. But where is the GOP?
VIEW ARTICLETargeting Muslims
March 2006In the state of Baden-Wurttemberg in southern Germany, Muslims who request citizenship must affirm their loyalty to gay rights and topless beaches.
VIEW ARTICLECan You Imagine?
February 2006If Muslim women in India can protest condomania culture, why can't Catholics do the same thing in the United States of America?
VIEW ARTICLEWhat Does the Pope Know About World Affairs?
November 2005Where hot wars are concerned, many of Ratzinger's most ardent admirers find themselves diametrically at odds with the Pope.
VIEW ARTICLELiberal Catholic Father, Muslim Son
July/August 2005Marquette U. theologian Daniel McGuire's "faith" didn't stick to his son.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Man Who Was Ratzinger
July/August 2005It was not surprising that the election of Pope Benedict XVI met with much gnashing of teeth among liberal pundits (and much cheering elsewhere).
VIEW ARTICLEThe Dogs Aren't Barking
December 2002Sources of information abound on the persecution of Christians, so ignorance is no excuse. What is the reason that Christians worldwide are doing so little?
May 2002When our God came to earth He did not reject the human pleasures He had created: He ate and drank, and worked His first miracle at a wedding feast.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Secret Weapon in the War on Terrorism: Priestesses!
April 2002"Dualistic (and sexist) thinking about masculine and feminine has led to a ruthlessly competitive marketplace."
VIEW ARTICLEJohn Walker May Be No Fluke
March 2002Perhaps he was so tired of — and so confused by — “seeking his own path” that he joined the first group that offered him certainty, even if it was a false and evil certainty.
VIEW ARTICLEDemography Is Destiny: Babies Trump Bombs in the End
March 2002Osama bin Laden was the 17th born in his family. America has the bombs, but the Muslims have the babies. Military power can’t hold off people power.
VIEW ARTICLEThe First Crusade
October 2001The Gerusalemme liberata is an acknowledged masterpiece of world literature and a culmination of Italian Renaissance poetry.
VIEW ARTICLEThe U.S.S. Cole: Who Are The Real Cowards?
December 2000When American servicemen die at the hands of our political enemies, patriotic fervor swells to jingoism.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Key Issue in the Middle East Conflict
June 1989The Israeli/Palestinian conflict features sharply differing perceptions of the issues and seemingly irreconcilable “solutions” to an unresolvable struggle.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Persistence of Islam
July-August 1987Review of Letters on the Sufi Path by Ibn Abbad of Ronda, Eight Lives by Rajmohan Gandhi, and Lost in the Crowd by Jalal Al-e Ahmad