2010 September
Letter to the Editor: September 2010
Behind the Masks... Adrenaline Rush... Not So Far Apart... What Rogers Wrought... The Bard on Bad Priests... Falacious Argumentation, Troubling Non-Sequiturs... Flannery O'Conner: Clown-College Cheerleader... Getting Better All the Time... and more
READ ARTICLEThe News You May Have Missed
Hot Air... Flushed Away... Sister Bishop... Don't Sweat It... The Honeymooners... The Things Money Can Buy... A World of Pain... The Body Politic
READ ARTICLENew Oxford Notes: September 2010
Another Victim of Institutional Coddling... The Marketplace of Ideas -- Command-Economy Style
READ ARTICLEA Permanent Scandal to the World
Because the Church, like Christ, is a sign of contradiction, she must remain a permanent scandal to the world. As long as she stays true to her identity, she will be under attack.
READ ARTICLERoman Catholic Political Philosophy
Our two sources of information about what we are, that contained in reason and that contained in revelation, are seen as a coherent and unified whole.
READ ARTICLEThe Realm of Faith
Lo! reason dear: first passage to wisdom,/ The prelude to faith, soul's viaticum,/ For its long journey to eternity/ And to the ultimate Epiphany,/ The beatific, three-fold unity
READ ARTICLEWhither Goeth the Reform of the Reform?
What measures should be taken to fast-forward the reform of the reform; to stop the nonsense and increase the sense of the sacred at Mass?
READ ARTICLEAn Apologia for the Local Parish
We ought to pause before we abandon parish relationships, because our salvation might be enabled by the graces they contain rather than hindered by their stresses.
READ ARTICLEForget Your 'Good Thoughts,' Send Us Your Prayers
From sacred Scripture and the rich Catholic school of prayer we know to pray to the Father in the name of the Son and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
READ ARTICLEThe Voice of Dissent: Alive but Growing Weaker
Curran mobilized public opposition in an effort to pressure the Church to change her teachings but later admitted he failed in his aim.
READ ARTICLETrue Medical Care or the Law of the Jungle?
In "Incapacity and Care" we find a powerful and unanswerable defense of the dignity of the most helpless and vulnerable among us.
READ ARTICLEBriefly: September 2010
Review of Fatherless... Between Allah & Jesus: What Christians Can Learn From Muslims...