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2009 – Volume LXXVI
January 2009
The Woeful Plights of Indian Christians... Quo Vadis, Catholic Higher Education?... Phenomenological Soup for the Catholic Soul... The Case of Vanini... I Believe in the Life of the World to Come... Christmas in Real Time... God's Love Is Unrelenting...
VIEW THIS ISSUEFebruary 2009
The Vatican Toes the Line... The Latest Skirmish in the Pius Wars... Toward a Personhood Amendment... Women's Revenge: To Torture Without Guilt... The Culture of Death & the Death of a Culture... Tibetan Flags Over Berkeley... Lost Sheep in the Voting Booth... The Last Secret of Fatima...
Strange Spirits & Alien Gods... Pope Benedict's Tightrope Act... Avery Cardinal Dulles & Fr. Richard John Neuhaus: In Memoriam... Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body... Pope Benedict's Surprise... Recovering the Virtue of Prudence in an Age of Fraud...
The Self-Destruction of a Cult of Personality... Return Volley... U.S. Seminaries: Condition Stabilized... On Denying Pro-Abortion Politicians Holy Communion... Travels in Europe's Once & Future Faith... Intimate Memories of the Late Pope... A Vocation Disabled...
The SSPX & anti-Semitism... Perfect Possession... Condom Worshippers & Their Perennial Bogeymen... Song of the Boo-Birds... The Myth of Pastoral Sensitivity... Pope & Rabbi Square Off Over the Teachings of Jesus... Inverting Pascal's Wager... Kowtowing to God-Haters...
Why the Double Standard?... Can the Pope Save the Legion of Christ?... Surprise! Femi-Nuns Find Themselves Under the Microscope... At the Close of the Year of St. Paul... The Achievements of Father Stanley L. Jaki... To Love the Lovable & Hate the Hateful... For Whom the Bells Toll Not...
VIEW THIS ISSUEJuly-August 2009
Father Corapi Speaks... Archbishop Weakland, Back in the Limelight... Requiem for Evangelism... An Examination of Friday Penance... Fatherhood & Fertility in The Last of the Mohicans... Are the Dark Clouds of Persecution Beginning to Gather?... Notre Dame, R.I.P... The Primeval Struggle...
VIEW THIS ISSUESeptember 2009
The Pope's Duck-Billed Platypus... The War We Wage... The Prolife Movement & the Culture of Violence... The Intrinsic Generosity of Life... Business Ethics According to Pope John Paul II... The Three Natural Laws of Catholic Church Architecture... The Christian Philosophy of Samuel Johnson...
The Case Against Liturgical Antiquarianism... Worshiping the Idol of 'Woman's Experience'... The Five Most Pathetic Words... Is Scientism Winning?... A Good Act of Contrition... St. Augustine's Defense of Judaism... Two Tracks of 'Communion'... With Cautious Optimism...
VIEW THIS ISSUENovember 2009
How Many Victims Will the Revolution Claim?... Ignoratio Elenchi... Covenant Correction... Can Thomism Save Science?... The Moral of the Story... The Conscience of Croatia... The Wisdom of the World & the Wisdom of God... Christ's Self-Portrait & Ours... A Kennedy's Clarion Call to Catholic Dissidence... Exorcisms in the Modern World
VIEW THIS ISSUEDecember 2009
Lifeboats on the Tiber... Reaching for the Panic Button... Bishops Banning Bishops... When Heteronomy & Autonomy Collide... Why Is There Evil in the World?... Blessed Are the Barren... St. Birgitta of Sweden's Image of Perfection... The Nature of Satan & the Church's War Against Him... The Stress of Faith... The Road to Hitler Was Paved With Abortions... The Raised Fist & the Raised Phallus