Important writings you may have missed
2004 – Volume LXXI
January 2004
Special Breeds and Lesser Breeds... How Many of Our Priests Are Leading Secret Lives?... God the Father, the Elephantine God - Whatever... The "New Springtime" for the Church Is a Long Way Off... Homosexuality and Same-Sex "Marriage"... The Wages of Roe v. Wade... From the Darkness...
VIEW THIS ISSUEFebruary 2004
A Loose Cannon on the Barque of St. Peter... Previewing Mel Gibson's Passion... Wittgenstein Makes a Confession... Deal Hudson: Lured By Beauty... Fr. Neuhaus's One-World Church... Evangelization as if It doesn't Matter... Is Same-Sex "Marriage" Inevitable?...
Berkeley's Linguistic Outlaws... OSV's Whitewash... "No One ever Goes To Hell Who Has Been Truly Loved by Another"... Catholic Confusion at the Very Top... Pagans or Apostates?... What Is a Patriot to Do?... What Part of "Is" Don't They Understand?...
An Inside Report on Diocesan Journalism... Overcoming opposition from Within and Without... Is Globalization Inevitable?... Here Come the "Brights"... Quantum Spirituality... Better an Honest Episcopalian Than a Dishonest Catholic... The Beauty of Strife and Struggle...
My Soul-Shattering Experience in the Seminary... Graffiti in Warsaw, Mormons in Krakow and Basements in Auschwitz... Chastity and the Prolife Movement... Christian Learning and the Daily Grind... How Visceral Hatred of Catholicism Turns Into Genocide... Why (Most) Women Will Never Again Be Happy...
Scott Hahn's Novelties... Abortion and the Golden Rule... Putting Catholic Men on Ritalin... Why Does the Church Fear the Secular Media and the Age of Aquarius... An Episcopal Church Is Now Giving Holy Communnion to Pets... "For Fear of the Jews" (If Only)... An Ex-Lutheran Still in Recovery...
VIEW THIS ISSUEJuly/August 2004
Why Won't Our Bishops Solve the "Gay" Priest Problem?... Effeminacy In the service of Capitalism... The Broad and Comfortable Road to Lukewarm Christianity and Destruction... The Disappearing Sanctus Bells... The Second Vatican Council: Why Pope John XXIII Would Weep...
VIEW THIS ISSUESeptember 2004
Tom Monaghan's Impending Educational Disaster... A Catholic Looks at Conspiracy... The Lost Art of Letter Writing... George "Humpty Dumpty" Weigel... Why Does Dante Consider Sodomy Worse Than Homicide and Suicide... We Award First Prize for Pavlovian Responses to Mark Shea...
Is Providence College All It's Cracked Up to Be?... Nicholas Healy Responds to Andrew Messaros... Catholic Voters: Play Hard to Get... Most children Already Have Two "Fathers"... Our Testosterone-Depleted Church... A Bishop With Testosterone... George Sim Johnston Digs Himself In Deeper...
VIEW THIS ISSUENovember 2004
The Crisis At Crisis Magazine (Part II)... Defending Scott Hahn... Nick Healy's Impending Educational Disaster... Imposing Heterodoxy... May You Live to See Your Children's Children... Always Our Neighbors (Part II)... Fuzzy Language Does Not Belong in Vatican Documents...
VIEW THIS ISSUEDecember 2004
Waking Up the Seminaries... The fault of Being Nice... Beware of Thomas Groome or Anything Associated With Him... The Content of Their Character - Forty Years Later... How To Become an Atheist... Why There's Not Much Point in Being a Christian... You Rude Man, You Hurt Her Feelings!...