Volume > Issue > Note List > Centurions of the New Age

Centurions of the New Age

Were you aware that “every single day before communion, millions of Christians verbally declare one of the most destructive phrases in human history”? You weren’t? Don’t feel bad; neither were we. But it gets worse. On Sundays, “tens of millions if not a half billion of the over one billion Catholic Christians worldwide” utter this most destructive of phrases — “and not without repercussions.” Holy moly! What is this phrase, and what is it doing to us?

It is the phrase we pray before receiving the Eucharist, otherwise known as the Prayer of the Centurion, the wording of which was restored in the Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal: “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”

So, if we didn’t know how destructive this prayer is, and you didn’t know either, who knew? Evidently, only one super-enlightened individual did, and her name is Christine Horner.

Who in the world is Christine Horner? She’s a blogger (what else?) who bills herself as a “humanitarian” who enjoys yoga, travel, and “spending time in Nature” — with a capital N, mind you. She claims to write fiction and non-fiction that “offers a higher consciousness perspective on the human experience.” So yes, she is indeed super-enlightened, or so she would have us believe.

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