Volume > Issue > Autobiography of a Creature from Deep Heaven

Autobiography of a Creature from Deep Heaven


By E. O’Brien Jr. | September 1984

I was the spark

who lit the face of God

when he flicked his rod

to quell the hateful dark.


I am the sire

of life when I tease

my kiss on primal seas.

I am sunfire.


My nudge is so fine

electrons bounce at my push.

A comet’s tail bends to my brush,

I am starshine.


I fly so fast

that none can prove

I made a move

until I’m past,


nor seize my trace

of falling fire-ice

as I streak and slice

through fields of space.


Yet I’m irked, know why?

Though I graze Saturn and sear it,

the remarkable speed of spirit

is faster than I.

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