From the NOR Dossiers
Wacky Theologians
A Rogue Receives a Red Hat
January-February 2025Radcliffe is a walking cliché who parrots all the standard liberal dogmas like women’s ordination, gays in the priesthood, and Communion for remarried Catholics.
VIEW ARTICLEIndiff’rent Strokes
November 2024In blurting out his opinion of the supposedly wonderful and God-gifted diversity of religions in a slapdash manner, Francis does great injustice to the Catholic religion.
VIEW ARTICLETransanity Is Taking Over. How Will the Church Respond?
January-February 2024Gender ideologues are at work in the Church -- no surprise. That they occupy positions of power and speak with authority is, however, cause for great concern.
VIEW ARTICLEHonji Suijaku: Shell Game of the Gods
July-August 2023When one set of gods merges with another, all that’s really needed is to make charts designating which god goes where. More gods? Bigger chart. Easy.
VIEW ARTICLEAre “White Lies” Ever Permissible?
July-August 2023On its face, the debate seems insignificant to the point of banality: Can a lie be morally justified? Yet, the matter cuts to the heart of our moral heritage.
VIEW ARTICLEPreaching Christ Customized
January-February 2023To the list of things Jesus could have been but wasn’t, there is now one more to add: A new movement would recast Our Lord as a transgender woman.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Variety & Theological Implications of Private Revelations
November 2022Evil spirits, often in a very subtle manner, have been far more clever and more destructive of sound spiritual thinking than generally supposed.
VIEW ARTICLEPrivate Revelations: Authentic, Paranormal & Preternatural
October 2022Pseudo-mystical phenomena have occurred in cases of seemingly pious individuals who are unwittingly tricked by demons, sometimes for years.
VIEW ARTICLEAn American Hodgepodge of Religious Kookery
January-February 2022The temptation to be religiously promiscuous is simply how Protestantism works. Once the individual is the axis, the whole world takes the shape of the ego exalted.
VIEW ARTICLEThe “New Spirituality” & the Ghost of Catholicism
January-February 2021The “new spirituality” is an ugly caricature of the truths of union with God set forth by the Church, her saints, and her Doctors.
VIEW ARTICLEA Peek into Papal Priorities
December 2019Here’s your Pope: When pagan idols are removed from a sacred space, he apologizes; when his belief in the divinity of Christ is questioned, he’s silent.
VIEW ARTICLEFather Figuring
July-August 2019The Catholic Church's sex-abuse problem is caused by predators who wear clerical collars and who are protected by a clericalist culture.
VIEW ARTICLECatholic Dreamers’ Failed Dialogue with Islam
November 2018Interreligious talks have proven fruitless, and our own theologians have not told us even the minimum of truth about Islam.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Futility of Trying to Derive a Religion from a Book
November 2018"Scripture Alone" fails both Muslims and Protestants, as living by one text leads to problems of authority and fundamentalism.
VIEW ARTICLEWho Determines Scripture's "Plain Meaning"?
July-August 2018The "I'm too catholic to be Catholic" line of argumentation falls to a subjectivity or "lowest common denominator" critique.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Narcissist's Religion
June 2017We need a word from outside, a revelation, a voice that tells us all the things we would never see on our own. In other words, we need settled dogma.
VIEW ARTICLEReturn of the Gnostic Jesuits
June 2017To say that we cannot rely on the Gospels as clear accounts of Jesus' doings and sayings is tantamount to saying that the Gospels are unremarkable, uninspired, and unreliable.
VIEW ARTICLEWelcome to the Battlefield
December 2015Liberal Catholic theologians cannot brook dissent from their own way of thinking. They won't debate subjects they consider long settled, and will resort to censorship to silence dissent.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Theological Treachery of Partial Scientific Truths
July-August 2015Partial truths are treacherous when applied to theology. By its very nature, scientific knowledge is incomplete.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Green Goddess
January-February 2015In "Ask the Beasts," Sister Elizabeth Johnson develops her own evolutionary theology, and of course attacks Church teaching.
VIEW ARTICLEQuest to Topple the Patriarchal Idol
May 2010Sr. Elizabeth Johnson warns that if we take literally the "naming" of God in the "image of powerful men," we turn God into an "idol."
VIEW ARTICLEReverend Mother Libertine
September 2009Feminist Sister of Mercy Margaret Farley, who has taught ethics for three decades at Yale, defends the entire gamut of sexual activity outside of marriage.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Charismatic Appetite
November 2008The charismatic quest for paranormal experiences of God is also a contrived pseudo-communion of ecstatic emotional dissolution.
VIEW ARTICLEA Legacy of Dissent
September 2008If it weren't for the splendor of truth shining through John Paul's theology of the body, we would still be floundering in the false promises of Fr. Curran's theory of compromise.
VIEW ARTICLEOn Retreat With Sister Rupp
June 2008This popular author and conference speaker, with a master’s in transpersonal psychology, is an evangelist for New Age syncretism.
VIEW ARTICLEThank Goodness for the Unitarians!
May 2004The new queer theologians don't need your approval.
VIEW ARTICLEWould You Like to "Search for Truth" in an "Open Church"?
May 2002One may wonder why Michael Novak allowed his 1964 book to be republished.
VIEW ARTICLEOh Pain, Where Is Thy Sting?
October 2000Psychobabble and weird theology can be used to justify anything.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Hydra of Heterodoxy
October 2000America magazine makes a case for a Deistic conception of God.
VIEW ARTICLEIdiocy Undisturbed
June 2000The complete idiot's guide to misunderstanding Catholicism
VIEW ARTICLEWhen 'Faith-Sharing' Isn't
May 2000A Catholic high school teacher explains why a trendy (and mandated) exercise is really just an exercise in narcissistic self-indulgence.
VIEW ARTICLE"Jesus is God": Can That Statement Be True for Me but False for You?
September 1999Young people are hungry for a faith that makes sense and — although they might deny this — for a faith that makes demands of them.
VIEW ARTICLEMcNuggets From McCormick
November 1998Dissent has long been noisy, abrasive, and antagonistic. Dissenters seldom pause long enough to consider that they may be in error.
VIEW ARTICLEPros & Cons of Pentecostalism & Charismatic Catholicism
April 1989Having banished one strange tongue — Latin — the Catholic Church witnessed an odd phenomenon in the 1960s: an outbreak of “unknown tongues” or glossolalia.
VIEW ARTICLEThe Infantile Illusion of Omnipotence & the Modern Ideology of Science
October 1986Renewed scholarly interest in gnosticism has been, for the most part, remarkably sympathetic, as if it represented an important corrective and alternative to Christianity.
VIEW ARTICLEIs Christianity the Same as Buddhism Underneath?
May 1986By some stretch of the imagination, Buddhism can be chopped down to fit Christianity, but Christianity cannot be chopped down to fit Buddhism.