2004 July-August
Letter to the Editor: July-August 2004
God Bless Sean Salai... You Smart Alecks... "They Will Expel You from Their Synagogues"... The Principal of Central Catholic Replies... A Fundamental Lack of Integrity...
READ ARTICLENew Oxford Notes: July-August 2004
The Ax Falls... A Dirty Little Secret... Glass Houses... So Transparent... Charity Case... and more
READ ARTICLEThe Broad & Comfortable Road to Lukewarm Christianity & Destruction
If our Lord could use "narrow gate" imagery to spur His listeners to repentance, then so can we.
READ ARTICLEThe Disappearing Sanctus Bells
Bells are used to warn or to summon. Bells express just about every mood and exigency; they are joyful, somber, pragmatic, ceremonial.
READ ARTICLEThe Second Vatican Council: Why Pope John XXIII Would Weep
Innumerable Catholics have lost sight of the privilege they have received and shy away from proclaiming the glory of the one true Church.
READ ARTICLEEffeminacy in the Service Of Capitalism
The intentionally effeminate metrosexual is another fruit of the postmodern sexual assault, specifically the assault on masculine integrity.
READ ARTICLEThe Siege of Western Civilization
Herb Meyer argues that Western Civilization is the best (earthly) thing to have happened to humanity, and is well worth defending.
READ ARTICLEDebate, Not Dialogue
Even such founders of Protestantism as Martin Luther practiced veneration of our Lady and called her Immaculate Conception a "sweet and pious belief."
READ ARTICLEBriefly: July-August 2004
Reviews of Earthen Vessels: The Practice of Personal Prayer According to the Patristic Tradition... The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America by David Carlin... 'Cha' by Raymond A. Devlin, S.J.