Volume > Issue > Note List > What's Good for the Corporations Is Good for America

What’s Good for the Corporations Is Good for America

In our New Oxford Notes (Oct. 2005) we noted that of the Fortune 500 companies, over 150 companies bought ads and commercials in the “gay” media. It was an all-time high. Even Coors, a major funder of conservative causes, bought into the “gay” media. You’ve heard the slogan, “What’s good for General Motors is good for America.” General Motors also bought into the “gay” media.

Homosexuals generally have higher incomes than heterosexuals, and homosexuals have a lot of disposable income, and the Fortune 500 companies want to tap into that market. It’s good for business.

According to the Chicago Tribune (June 30), fewer than one-quarter of the Fortune 500 companies offered same-sex partner benefits in 2000. But in 2006, 51 percent of the Fortune 500 companies offered same-sex partner benefits. You see the way things are going.

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