Volume > Issue > Note List > The Prophet Elijah Deported & King David's Condo Up for Sale

The Prophet Elijah Deported & King David’s Condo Up for Sale

On adjacent pages of The Jerusalem Report (Sept. 27, 1999), a glossy news mag published fortnightly in Jerusalem, a study in contrasts:

First page: A photo of a tall old man with a gnarled walking staff and long grey beard. He carries a placard that says “Jesus is my Lord” and is signed “Elijah.” Elijah is said to be a former building contractor from California who has been in and out of Israel over the past 15 years preaching the Messiah. Nervous Israeli authorities facing the end of the millennium had Elijah picked up by police, evaluated by a shrink, and flown out of the country “to Europe.”

Next page: A photo of Jerusalem’s “foremost self-contained luxury community” and a description of its amenities — “the spa, the swimming pool, boutiques, galleries.” Most of the units in “David’s Royal Residence” are already sold, “yet several exclusive units, ranging from $400,000 two bedroom suites to $2 million spacious penthouses, remain available.” The ad ends this way: “Savor the spirituality and luxury of Jerusalem’s newest quarter.”

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem — thou deportest the prophets to Europe, whilst thou savorest the spirituality of thy luxurious penthouses!

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