Volume > Issue > Some Questions for David Stolinsky

Some Questions for David Stolinsky


By William H. Soisson III | January 2002
William H. Soisson III is a retired attorney and U.S. Army colonel from Connellsville, Pennsylvania. The views he expresses herein are not necessarily those of the U.S. Army.

Being an admirer of David Stolinsky’s work as it has previously appeared in the NEW OXFORD REVIEW, I am compelled to express my puzzlement with his article “‘Except Jews’: A Double Standard for Israel” (NOR, Oct. 2001). Several statements in the article provoke serious questions.

I was a specialist in Middle Eastern affairs for the U.S. Army some years ago, and while I’d certainly not call myself an expert, I believe I have enough knowledge to detect problems in certain of Stolinsky’s statements.

Statement 1 (by Stolinsky): “Many observers…seem to agree…that it is up to the Israelis to give up more of the West Bank than the 90-plus percent they have already yielded to the Palestinians, and in addition give up control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.”

Question: How did Israel obtain the West Bank in the first place? Why is it considered occupied territory and not a part of Israel?

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