Notes List: December 2009
Lifeboats on the Tiber
Anglican prelates are already dropping hints that they are seriously considering taking up Pope Benedict's offer to help them across the Tiber.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Reaching for the Panic Button
In response to the Pope's magnanimous gesture toward those Anglicans who are seeking full communion with Rome, liberal Catholics are flailing, panic-stricken.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Bishops Banning Bishops
Two bishops in two separate dioceses have prevented brother bishops from making public appearances on Catholic property in their home dioceses.
Despite his bizarre theology, at least Bishop Gumbleton practices what he preaches.
Most of us probably spend more time each day looking at screens than at anything, or anyone, else. Our thinking is curdled out of online scenarios.
One hopes that Hahn has absorbed the Catholic way of doing theology, but the theonomic way continues to influence his style and his views as a Catholic.