New Oxford Notes: November 2002
Wake Up and Smell the Coffee
"Psst! Hey kid, wanna buy a cup o' joe — real cheap? In a cool styrofoam cup!"
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE."A Regime of Hypocrisy & Indifference"
Can the sorry performance of many of our U.S. bishops with regard to the priestly sex scandals be traced to a "culture of silence"?
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Ham-Fisted Homosexualist Propaganda for Catholic High Schoolers
Students observe silence as a way to support homosexual "rights."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Goodbye, "New Evangelization"
Fr. Neuhaus thinks the whole priest scandal thing can just be brushed off.
What We Can't Not Know: A Guide... The Last Hunger Season: A Year in an African Farm Community on the Brink of Change... Stages on the Road... Words of Wisdom: A Philosophical Dictionary for the Perennial Tradition
“Well, Father, my share of the farm has
been turned into gold.
I take it…
Almost all abortion ideologues refuse to address the core question: Is the unborn child a fellow member of the human family, one to whom we owe love, life, and justice?