Ham-Fisted Homosexualist Propaganda for Catholic High Schoolers
We received a flier from a student in a Catholic high school in the Diocese of Oakland pertaining to the “Day of Silence” at her school. No, it’s not an exercise in asceticism.
As practiced in schools in the San Francisco Bay Area, the “Day of Silence” is where certain students abstain from speaking for the whole day as a way of supporting the homosexual-rights movement, encouraging homosexual students to “come out,” and stigmatizing any student who might express discomfort with open homosexuals preening around on campus. The “Day,” which is given favorable publicity by the local news media, is promoted in the public schools in the Bay Area. You’d think that a Christ-centered school would not be involved with any such “Day of Silence,” would be different, would adhere to a higher standard, might even be counter-cultural. Alas, no.
The flier, oddly titled “Practical Knowledge About Homosexuality/Bisexuality/Transgendered/Questioning,” was anonymously written and carried no copyright or information about where it came from. It was handed out in Religion class, so it enjoyed some sort of official standing. We could name the high school and the teacher, but there is no need to do so. Below we supply all of the flier’s 11 points, and after each point we reply where you see a bullet.
1. “You can’t always tell who is gay.”
– That’s true, but leaves out a whole lot. While “you can’t always tell who is gay,” you often can, as is attested to in the English language: A flamer is a blatantly obvious homosexual, as is a flaming fag. Any American who lives in a city and claims never to have seen a flamer is either a moron or an ideological robot. Ironically, thanks to “gay lib,” it’s now easier to spot a homosexual than it used to be, for homosexuals who are out of the closet don’t feel the need to pretend to be “straight” in their demeanor or mannerisms; hence they’ve become more obvious. Gosh, around these parts you can’t drive from point A to point B, or even walk three blocks, without seeing cars with “gay pride” bumper stickers or husky women on motorcycles (they call themselves “dikes on bikes”). In short, the more they advertise themselves, the more the rest of us can darn well tell with 99 percent accuracy.
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