New Oxford Notes: July-August 2001
Vengeance Is NOT Mine, Says "the Lord"
The Oklahoma City bomber and his 168 victims are going straight to heaven -- so says Fr. Ron Ashmore.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.To Be Porn-Free Is to Be Second Class?
The American Library Association has filed a lawsuit to block the Children's Internet Protection Act.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.In Praise of "Coming Out" (Or: You Tell & We'll Ask)
There's a debate taking place in the Church as to whether homosexual teachers in Catholic schools should "come out."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Opposed to Abortion, But…
There is no disjunction between "opposing abortion" and being "a voice of peace, justice and compassion."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE."More Egocentric Than Theocentric"
Message to dejected Catholics: Don't jump ship. Gird up your loins. Stay and fight.
Maritain and Day were of one mind on the use of private property toward the common good, and their desire to “exist with the people.”
Francis: Man of Prayer... A Call to Serve: Pope Francis and the Catholic Future... Pope Francis: The Pope from the End of the Earth
"Evangelicalism doesn't need a bailout. Much of it needs a funeral." So writes Michael Spencer in a sobering article in The Christian Science Monitor.