New Oxford Notes: January 2008
Archbishop Burke Has Courage
The Archbishop of St. Louis isn't turning his head away from the fact that two Catholic women have had themselves 'ordained' priestesses.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Be Fruitful & Multiply
In the wake of our culture's widespread use of contraception, we have experienced an increased prevalence of a number of evils.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Pope Benedict XVI Is Ambivalent About the Second Vatican Council
The Pope says that he was "too timid" in the period immediately after Vatican II in challenging avant-garde theological positions.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.'Gay' Is Good -- for Business
The major corporations are leading the way for homosexual "rights." Good capitalists never ignore a lucrative market.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.'Nothing Short of Miracles'
Homosexuals are continuously accused of lacking stability and the deepest kind of commitment in relationships -- with good reason.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Msgr. Mannion Is Infatuated With the Modern World
Even after Pope Benedict XVI's explicit universal indult for the Traditional Latin Mass, Our Sunday Visitor is still dismissive of the old rite.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.'The Great Blunder'
You can't blame dreamers for giving bad advice. Dreamers tend to do that. The mistake is to take the dreamers seriously.
The Life and Pontificate of Pope Pius XII: Between History and Controversy
Review of The Hound of Heaven at My Heels: The Lost Diary of Francis Thompson
God equipped man with the ability to see and understand the Devil based on his effects in the material world and through his material manifestations.