New Oxford Notes: January 2003
Has the Permanent Revolution Pooped Out In the People's Republic?
Starbucks produced a self-congratulatory pamphlet lauding their efforts to help coffee farmers and conserve the environment. Every revolutionary idea gets co-opted in the end.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Can We Please Change the Subject!
Forget the scandals? (Uh, not so fast, pal!)
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.When the "Shorter Form" Is The Politically Correct Form
Scripture is censored in the Parable of the Talents, where the "wicked, lazy servant" is sent "where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth."
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Evangelize! (But Why?)
Sister Antonio says to share our faith we won't actually have to say anything controversial.
Hungary still bears the scars of four decades of communist misrule combined with three generations of atheistic indoctrination.
Any Christian who commits sodomy, Damian explains, surpasses in sin the men of Sodom, for he "defies the very commands of evangelical grace."
Catholic breakdowns of religious barriers followed the breakdowns of ethnic ones, and, in practice, ecclesiastical discipline became much more lenient.