Volume > Issue > Note List > Let's Have More Loneliness!

Let’s Have More Loneliness!

Continuing its seeming campaign to undermine Church teaching on homosexuality (see above), America magazine presents an article on homosexual priests by Associate Editor James Martin, S.J. (Nov. 4, 2000). Martin says that he will use the term “homosexual priest” instead of “gay priest” to make it clear he’s referring to priests with a homosexual “orientation,” not those who act on that orientation. Martin acknowledges that a “high number” of priests and seminarians are homosexual — i.e., have a homosexual orientation. The question at hand: Is this a problem? Not really, concludes Martin.

Martin notes Church teaching that states that a homosexual orientation is an “objective disorder” and that it is a “strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil.”

Do we want the priesthood loaded up with people who fit that description? Ah, Martin answers, it’s a matter of “balancing church teaching with the acceptance of one’s entire being [including one’s homosexual orientation] as created and loved by God.” Balancing? Since when is Church teaching to be “balanced” with something else to obtain the correct conclusion? Well, after that sentence, Martin drops any further consideration of Church teaching and proceeds to expound on the importance of homosexual priests accepting their homosexuality as a “gift.” Suddenly, a strong inclination to commit evil becomes a gift!

Martin says that “The vast majority of homosexuals…are acquainted with the suffering that comes from being a misunderstood [what’s to misunderstand?] and often persecuted minority,” which, he says, can lead them “closer to companionship with the Christ who suffers.” Martin compares homosexual priests with Christ Himself, for both are “despised and rejected by others…(Isa. 53:3).” So homosexuality can turn out to be a spiritual gift. Too bad the rest of us aren’t so lucky! But Martin conveniently overlooks one key factor: It matters why you’re being persecuted. Our Lord said, “Blessed [gifted?] are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake” (Mt. 5:10, italics added). If you are persecuted because you have a “strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil,” you are not being persecuted for righteousness’ sake! But of course Martin can’t see that.

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