Volume > Issue > A Voice from Hell

A Voice from Hell


By Richard D. Courtney | November 2007
Richard D. Courtney, who writes from Muncie, Indiana, is author of Normandy to the Bulge: An American Infantry GI in Europe During World War II (Southern Illinois University Press, 1997).

Everyone has heard of Hell. But most of us just brush it off. We aren’t going there, so why worry? We have better things to think about.

I used to think that way too, but now I am in Hell and it is horrible. Constant pain and no one can help me.

The day I died and faced Jesus Christ the Judge, I was all ready with my excuse list, which I had rehearsed while I was still alive. Surely He would understand and make an exception in my case. I’d be O.K.

Before I could open my mouth, He held up His hand and said to me, “Depart from Me into everlasting fire.” And that was it. No second chance, no appeals, no hope.

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