Volume > Issue > Note List > We Don't Kill Infants Here

We Don’t Kill Infants Here

Recently, Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., President of Gonzaga University in Spokane, refused to allow a spokesman for Planned Parenthood (PP), the largest abortion provider in America, to speak on that Catholic campus. Fr. Thomas Reese, S.J., the Editor of the liberal Catholic organ America, reacted with disapproval by saying that “to ban people from coming on campus is an admission that you have not been able to convince your students of the truth…and you don’t want people who could lead them astray” (as quoted in an item on the matter in The Catholic World Report, July).

Given that America has banned the NEW OXFORD REVIEW’s trademark ads from its pages, one can only conclude that America is admitting that it hasn’t been able to convince its readers of its point of view, and doesn’t want ads in its pages that could lead its readers to a different point of view.

Would Fr. Reese care to enlighten the Catholic population as to why what is wrong for Gonzaga is right for America?

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