Volume > Issue > Note List > Can You Imagine?

Can You Imagine?

On the southeast tip of India, in the state of Tamil Nadu, in the capital city of Chennai, there are plans to install 500 condom vending machines, and 1,000 more across the state later. This is to prevent HIV/AIDS. India has the second highest HIV/AIDS rate in the world, second only to South Africa.

According to The Australian (Dec. 13, 2005), this angered Muslim groups who said the condom vending machines would “degrade women and corrupt the young.” According to the story, “Over 200 Muslim women, many in veils, hit the streets of Chennai waving placards denouncing the plan and shouting: ‘Don’t ruin our culture.'”

Of course, American culture has already been ruined. Can you imagine American Catholics doing any such thing nowadays?

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