Volume > Issue > Note List > Touch, Touchy!

Touch, Touchy!

The Vice President’s office confirmed on December 6, 2006, that Dick Cheney’s lesbian daughter, Mary Cheney, is expecting her first child with her lesbian partner.

Mary and her lesbian partner consider their arrangement to be a “marriage.”

According to the San Francisco Chronicle (Dec. 7, 2006), the Vice President and his wife “issued a statement saying they are ‘looking forward with eager anticipation to the arrival of their sixth grandchild.'” When the Vice President told “President Bush of Mary Cheney’s pregnancy, ‘the President congratulated them and said he is very happy for them.'”

Some conservative Republican groups that oppose same-sex “marriage” and homosexual adoptions were silent or muted. But if a Democratic Vice President were in office, there would be hollering outrage.

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