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The News You May Have Missed


Nun of This Prolife Stuff

Sr. Donna Quinn, a Dominican nun from Chicago, has a unique apostolate: She volunteers as an escort at an abortion facility in Hinsdale, Illinois. Outspokenly in favor of legalized abortion, Sr. Donna has worked as an escort for “six years at least,” local prolife witness Amy Keane told LifeSiteNews.com (Oct. 23). Keane described one incident in which Sr. Donna began shouting at prolifers as they spoke to a woman about to enter the abortion facility. Sr. Donna is also a coordinator of the radically liberal National Coalition of American Nuns, which stands in opposition to the Catholic Church’s teachings on abortion, homosexuality, contraception, and the male priesthood.

Boar-ing Parish Festival

Tampa-area authorities shot and killed a wild boar spotted at an outdoor parish festival held by Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Pinellas County, Florida. The 200-pound animal could not be caged and seemed immune to police tasers. No parishioners were injured. It was the second time in six months that Pinellas County police were called to handle a wild pig on the loose. In April a 200-pound female hog attacked a woman and charged a St. Petersburg police officer before it was captured. That pig was killed by lethal injection (Associated Press, Oct. 19).

Bishop in Denial

Bishop Richard Williamson is back in the news. German prosecutors filed a complaint against the Society of St. Pius X’s Holocaust-denying prelate. The charge: inciting racial hatred by saying that “not one Jew” was killed in Nazi gas chambers. Bishop Williamson made the controversial comments in January when he gave a television interview in the vicinity of Regensburg, Germany. Williamson has been fined the equivalent of $18,000. Denying that the Holocaust took place is illegal in Germany and Austria (Agence France-Presse, Oct. 18).

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