New Oxford Notes: September 2014
Lost in the Plethora of Anathemas
The Pope hurls one anathema after the next. Each time he speaks, each time he gives an interview, he seems to have a fresh target — and many are members of the Catholic Church.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.The Kiss Seen 'Round the World
If you think there should be places where men can be men — football locker rooms, U.S. military barracks, Catholic seminaries, etc. — you'd better ready yourself for a trip to re-education camp.
Everyone has heard of Hell. But most of us just brush it off. We aren't going there, so why worry? We have better things to think about.
Reviews of Interpretations of Conflict: Ethics, Pacifism, and the Just War Tradition... Catholic Bishops in American Politics... The Three Greatest Prayers: Commentaries on the Lord's Prayer, the Hail Mary, and the Apostles' Creed
Language should reflect reality. If it doesn’t, what possible limits could be placed on misleading, manipulative language?