New Oxford Notes: November 2004
The Crisis At Crisis Magazine (Part II)
Is Deal Hudson's career ruined because of sexual debauchery? Apparently not.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE."This Is God...Have a Nice Day!"
Buying into the idea of a "nice" God who is "all inclusive"
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Always Our Neighbors (Part II)
David Morrison didn't like what we wrote about him.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Fuzzy Language Does Not Belong in Vatican Documents
Why can't these people say what they mean?
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.The Parable of the Wheat & the Weeds: A Magna Carta for Dissent & Heresy?
Can some sense be made of the Pope's inaction?
Returning Catholics: What Are They Made Of?
I recently attended a meeting in our parish on re-evangelizing lapsed Catholics, one of the…
Briefly: February 2001
Reviews of The Wedge of Truth: Splitting the Foundations of Naturalism... Dependent Rational Animals: Why Human Beings Need the Virtues... In Tune with the World: A Theory of Festivity... The Silence of St. Thomas
Humility’s Sorry Fortunes in Society & Philosophy
The Christian doctrine of humility strikes the secular mind as paradoxical in its insistence that the better a person is the more humble a person should be.