Volume > Issue > New Oxford Notes: May 2018

New Oxford Notes: May 2018

Losing Our Religion

Distinctions between Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, and Episcopalian carry less and less import to today's Protestants, as "nondenominationalism" and "none of the above" become more common responses on U.S. religion surveys.

The New Hate Speech: Catholic Teaching at a Catholic College

An affirmation of Church teaching at Providence College is seen by students and administrators as an act of "homophobia" and "transphobia" that warrants intimidation and threats because it's an offense against the PC narrative.


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Not seeing man for what he is would be insanity. We must strive for sanity, which consists in "seeing what is, living in the reality of things."

Liturgical Reform Did Not Start with Vatican II

The history of liturgical reform that led to the promulgation of the New Mass predated Vatican II by several decades.

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