New Oxford Notes: December 2011
Behind the Mask
The media hype a world population of seven billion, but growth is decelerating and we’ll face a new problem: under-population.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Incredible Shrinking Churches
Some mainline Protestant denominations are in rapid decline because they have no message that is discernibly different from the secular culture.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.The "Super Catholic" Syndrome
Catholic apostolates and institutions must practice transparency and overcome the pitfalls of secrecy and elitism in order to avoid cultishness or a polarized, us-vs.-them mentality.
Perhaps tied to old memories from her pre-Catholic youth, Speyr's private revelations seem to conflict with Catholic teaching on vital points.
The Christian doctrine of humility strikes the secular mind as paradoxical in its insistence that the better a person is the more humble a person should be.
The multi-billion dollar artificial-procreation industry is little more than the sick commodification of babies in a throw-away culture.