Volume > Issue > Going Social

Going Social


This past April we were pleased to announce the launch of the “mobile version” of the NOR, an exact digital replica of the print magazine, customized for superior readability on handheld mobile devices — smartphones, e-readers, and tablets of all kinds, including Kindles, iPads, and Nooks. This announcement marked the completion of the construction of what we’ve called the third of the “three pillars” that support our apostolate: print, web, and mobile. (Mobile subscriptions, which cost $20 per year, are available exclusively at our website, www.newoxfordreview.org.)

Our experiments in digital media haven’t, however, ended with the launch of our mobile version. We know that in today’s media environment, diversification is key; a website and a mobile version aren’t enough to sustain a publication. According to conventional wisdom, publications — even those, like the NOR, that consider their print editions to be their primary focus — need to develop a social-media presence.

And so we’ve (finally) made a sincere effort to raise our social-media profile. We are pleased to announce the launch of the NOR Twitter feed (@newoxfordreview) and the NOR Facebook page (www.facebook.com/newoxfordreview).

We’ve been on Twitter for a few years already and have used it primarily to tweet updates at our website — items that have been posted in the NOR News Link, and the featured articles of the day, whether from the current issue, the most recent past issue, or the archives. We invite Twitter users to “follow” us and to share our tweets with their own followers.

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