Volume > Issue > Note List > Are You a Better Person?

Are You a Better Person?

We have had occasion to mention Air America, a new nationwide, hard Left, A.M. talk-show radio station. Its big star is Al Franken. A much lesser star is Mike Mulloy, a rather likeable Southern gent, who bluntly says “there is no God” yet goes to a monastery with his wife for Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve where everything is in Latin. He often addresses his audience as “truth seeker,” and maybe he is one himself. On the other hand, he’s always talking about “the Bush crime family” and “fascist” America. How he knows this to be so, we’ve never heard.

In regard to the “Bush crime family” and Republicans in general, Mulloy’s signature phrase is, “Oh, by the way, have I told you how much I hate these people?” And said with such sincerity! Whenever we hear this we think of the pro-homosexual bumper strip, “Hate Is Not a Family Value.” Mulloy tells us about his wife and family, so apparently hate is a family value. Or does it depend on whom you choose to hate? Can’t hate the homos, but you can hate the Republicans all you want.

Right before the presidential election, Air America was predicting a Kerry win, some saying by a landslide. Given that their bubble burst, Air America has been trying to figure out the “values voters,” especially on the show The Majority Report (badly misnamed), hosted by Sam Seder (who claims to have some connection with Judaism) and Janeane Garofalo (a gentile nonbeliever).

Garofalo seems to be out of her depth, often interrupting with inane comments, while Seder seems to be rather intelligent. We learn that Garofalo is invited onto conservative T.V. talk-shows. Of course Garofalo would be chosen over Seder, for she’s an easy kill. Showing some smarts, Garofalo always insists that Seder accompany her.

Both hosts, especially Garofalo, hate conservative Christians, sometimes lacing their diatribes with profanity. What a great way to win over those benighted souls! But once in a while they’ll mention that not all religion is vile. Recently, the two hosts returned again to the “values voters.” They had liberal Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu on, who proclaimed that religion is “morally neutral.” The hosts didn’t mind that, and took it from there. Both hosts agreed that religion is a “means” which should (but may not) “make you a better person.”

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