Volume > Issue > Note List > Among Americans: Pro-Homosexual Views Are at an All-Time High

Among Americans: Pro-Homosexual Views Are at an All-Time High

A Gallup Poll released on May 29 has found that tolerance of homosexuality in the U.S. has reached a record high. Gallup posed this question: “Do you think homosexuality should be considered an acceptable alternative lifestyle or not?” In 1982, 34 percent of Americans said yes. In 2007, 57 percent of Americans said yes, and only 39 percent said no. Among the 18-34 age group in 2007, 75 percent said yes, and 23 percent said no.

Gallup also posed this question: “Do you think marriage between same-sex couples should…be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages?” In 1996, 27 percent said yes; in 2007, 46 percent said yes. In a few years it will be over 50 percent.

James Poniewozik wrote an article in Time magazine (March 5) titled “Yep, She’s Mainstream,” referring to lesbian TV host Ellen DeGeneris. DeGeneris, who has won various Emmy awards and People’s Choice awards (including a Kid’s Choice award), “charms middle America,” writes Poniewozik.

Gallup’s 2007 Values and Beliefs survey was released on June 4. One category explored Americans’ views of “Medical research using stem cells obtained from human embryos.” In 2002, 52 percent said such research was “morally acceptable.” In 2007, 64 percent said it was “morally acceptable,” and only 30 percent said it wasn’t. Among conservatives, 48 percent said it was “morally acceptable” in 2007.

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