New Oxford Notes: June 2001
More Sensitive Than Thou
Use of the word Pharisee is "an old Christian parody"?
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.One More Caught in the Dragnet
Our Sunday Visitor charges that the NOR "vilified" Neuhaus.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE."Beauty": An Ugly Excuse for Copping Out
Gregory Wolfe says he came to discover that modernity is more "complex" than he had thought.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE."Barbaric," They Say
We don't see how any employer with a conscience could hire a woman who's killed her unborn baby to advance her career.
READ MORE ON THIS NOTE.Going to India Without Really Leaving Kansas City
National Catholic Reporter publisher admits he doesn't believe in Hell.
Among contemporary American film artists, Woody Allen has no equal. His latest film, The Purple…
The effort of the Church to come to terms with the modern world too often assumes that contemporary culture is neutral when, in fact, it is closed to the transcendent.
For one week every summer, the spiritual epicenter of Mormonism removes itself from Utah to…