Volume > Issue > Doing Something About It

Doing Something About It


By Dale Vree | April 2004
As most of you know, we've been trying to raise $158,000 to make up our deficit and to be able to do direct mail for new subscribers on a continuous basis. Given the volume of donations, it looked like we'd meet our goal, but it turns out that we're shy by $16,709.

We think we can get by, but if some of our readers want to help put us over the top, we’d be most appreciative. The NEW OXFORD REVIEW is a non-profit entity and has 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service. Donations are therefore tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Checks are to be made out to NEW OXFORD REVIEW, and sent to NEW OXFORD REVIEW, 1069 Kains Ave., Berkeley CA 94706.

Accompanying the donations were many heartening notes and letters. We do try to avoid excessive self-congratulation, so we’ll just say that we were overwhelmed by the emphatic, even militant, expressions of support in those letters. What came through loud and clear is that our donors have a clear sense of the profound crisis in the Church, want to do something about it, and are keenly aware that the NEW OXFORD REVIEW is doing something about it.

Our donors despise evasions and euphemisms, pulling punches, currying favor with dubious bishops, covering up the negligence and cowardice of the hierarchy, and pretending that all is basically just fine. Our donors want to hear the truth about the Church in full, both the good and the bad, and they want to be strengthened to stand up for the Catholic Faith in their daily lives, whether witnessing to non-Catholics or confronting loosey-goosey pastors.

We are happy to report that things are indeed looking up for the NOR. As of this writing, our paid circulation stands at 17,035, the highest in our over 27-year history, and we hope for further increases in the months and years ahead.

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