September 2000
Disputed Questions on Virtue (Quaestio Disputata de Virtutibus In Communi and Quaestio Disputata de Virtutibus Cardinalibus)
By Saint Thomas Aquinas
Publisher: St. Augustine's Press
Pages: 140
Price: $25
Ralph McInerny has done it again! In addition to his recent work helping to make available once again St. Thomas’s commentaries on Aristotle’s De Anima, Physics, Metaphysics, and Nicomachean Ethics, McInerny has freshly translated 17 of the 36 articles of St. Thomas’s work, Quaestiones Disputatae de Virtutibus. It was at the end of his life and at the height of his intellectual and spiritual development that St. Thomas composed De Virtutibus. Consequently, it expresses the Angelic Doctor’s mature thought on various questions about the virtues in general and the cardinal virtues in particular. McInerny’s translation is accessible and his preface situates the articles in their historical and philosophical context.
How to Get More Out of Holy Communion
By Ralph McInerny
Publisher: Sophia Institute Press
Pages: 142
Price: $11.95
This work is that of a Saint who writes in order to help make saints out of his readers. As one who spent his life in Eucharistic adoration, St. Peter Eymard is eminently qualified to teach about true devotion to our Eucharistic Lord. This book is a compilation of 18 short, accessible, and theologically rich essays which the author has designed to teach the nature, unparalleled splendor, and necessity of receiving Holy Communion. St. Peter also explains the necessity of making a proper preparation before and a proper thanksgiving after receiving Holy Communion. Only in this way, he says, can the communicant truly appreciate the divine gift of our Lord’s Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Moreover, teaches St. Peter, it is only through devout and frequent Holy Communion that one can truly live and breathe in the very life of God Himself.
The Secret of Mary
By Saint Peter Julian Eymard
Publisher: TAN Books
Pages: 93
Price: $5
Here is a Catholic classic on the interior life and Marian devotion, now reissued. At once simple and profound, St. Louis’s work describes the surest and most direct road to salvation and sanctification. He argues that the most perfect union with Christ comes about via a perfect union with His Blessed Mother, which comes about via perfect devotion to Her. This devotion, says St. Louis, “consists in giving oneself entirely as a slave to Mary, and to Jesus through Mary; and after that to do all that we do, with Mary, in Mary, through Mary, and for Mary.” St. Louis orders his entire work around the explanation of the precise meaning and implications of these few profound words. This specific Marian devotion of St. Louis is heartily recommended to the faithful by many popes, including Leo XIII, St. Pius X, Pius XII, Paul VI, and John Paul II.
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