Volume > Issue > Note List > Nancy Pelosi & Archbishop Wuerl

Nancy Pelosi & Archbishop Wuerl

Nancy Pelosi supports abortion, same-sex “marriage,” and embryonic stem cell research. Pelosi has a 100 percent rating from the pro-abortion organization NARAL.

According to LifeSiteNews.com (Jan. 16, 2007), “Archbishop Wuerl [of Washington, D.C.]…has said publicly that he would not discipline or direct priests to deny Communion to pro-abortion Catholic politician Nancy Pelosi….”

Allyson Smith interviewed Wuerl. Smith: “Do you intend to discipline her [Pelosi] at all for being persistent and obstinate about supporting abortion and same-sex marriage?” Wuerl: “I will not be using the faculty in that, in the manner you have described.” What an artful dodger!

Smith: “Will you issue a statement to your priests and deacons…to warn [them] not to allow her to receive if she presents herself for Communion?” Wuerl: “You’re talking about a whole different style of pastoral ministry. No thank you.” Here he becomes unambiguous.

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