Volume > Issue > Bookmark: January 2001

January 2001

Husband and Wife: The Joys, Sorrows and Glories of Married Life

By Fr. Paul Wickens

Publisher: TAN Books

Pages: 84

Price: $8.50

This work is a short theoretical and practical guide to a holy and happy marriage. A few of the topics Fr. Wickens discusses are the God-given nature and purposes of Holy Matrimony, the differences between men and women, the nature of marital love, human sexuality and its purposes, and Humanae Vitae’s teaching on periodic continence. This no-nonsense book can serve as an aid to those considering marriage, especially engaged couples.

A Student's Guide to Liberal Learning

By Fr. James V. Schall, S.J

Publisher: Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Pages: 54

Price: $5.95

Many sense that there is something profoundly wrong with the so-called liberal arts as they are commonly taught in the academic institutions of our day. But what exactly is causing this disorder? Fr. Schall maintains that our universities have given up on attempting to know the truth about things, especially about the best, most worthwhile, and ultimate things. Rather than holding firm to the unchanging truth of what is, many of our so-called intellectuals are drowning themselves and their students in a whirlpool of relativism and skepticism. Fr. Schall has written this short primer principally for those who have already recognized this current state of affairs and want a helping hand to the sure shore of truth. This work cites well over 60 classic texts for the reader who wants to become a true “liberal artist.”

A Student's Guide to the Core Curriculum

By Mark C. Henrie

Publisher: Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Pages: 112

Price: $5.95

According to Cardinal Newman, the end of a liberal education is the genuine health of the mind. Now, this end should be sought for its own sake, not for the sake of getting a job, making a lot of money, or some other utilitarian purpose. But how is this proper end of liberal education to be achieved in our academies where programs are not designed for this purpose? How can a student enter the average American university, which has been devastated by postmodernism and relativism, and emerge from its corridors with a genuinely healthy mind? It is precisely these questions that Henrie takes up in this brief but insightful work. Henrie delineates a program of study, which can be pursued at the average university, that may well aid the student in acquiring a well-formed and healthy mind. Many classical works are recommended by Henrie for the sake of helping the student supplement the education that he actually receives.

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