Volume > Issue > Note List > Most Children Already Have Two "Fathers"

Most Children Already Have Two “Fathers”

O.K., we exaggerate, but not all that much.

So, what is a mother anyhow? St. Paul says they are “to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed” (Ti. 2:4-5). But what happens when a mother is no longer a homemaker, flexes her muscles as a breadwinner, and is no longer obedient to her husband? Does she become a clone of her husband?

This and other questions are raised by Bryce Christensen in his article “Why Homosexuals Want What Marriage Has Now Become” (The Family in America newsletter [published by the Howard Center], Aprib~ It is Christensen’s contention that most American children already have two fathers, at least in effect.

If so, how has this come to be? Christensen says that “marriage draws institutional strength from a complementary husband-wife division of labor.” That is, the husband is the breadwinner (or primary breadwinner) and the head of the house, and the wife takes care of the children and feathers the nest.

This is the way it used to be in America, and to ensure it the husband was paid a “family wage,” so that he earned enough to support his at-home wife and their several children.

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