David Mills

His NOR features from 1999 to the present

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David Mills, a Contributing Editor of the NOR, is an Associate Editor of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. He has been Editor of Touchstone and Executive Editor of First Things, and he writes columns for Our Sunday Visitor, National Catholic Register, and other publications. The editor of The Pilgrim’s Guide: C.S. Lewis and the Art of Witness and the author of Knowing the Real Jesus and Discovering Mary, he’s finishing a book on death and dying tentatively titled When Catholics Die.


David Mills’s “Last Things” Columns


David Mills’s Featured NOR Articles:

Remembering Anne Barbeau Gardiner (January-February 2021)

The Narcissist’s Religion (June 2017)

The Perils of Ecumenical Straight-Talk (May 2015)

The Whole House (Oct. 2014)

Rules for Happiness (Dec. 2010)

The Anatomy of Conversion (April 2010)

The Moral of the Story (Nov. 2009)

Roman Fever (Jan. 2003)

The Catch-22 of Ecumenical Relations With Evangelicals (Nov. 2002)

Recovering the Art of Christian Polemics (Oct. 2002)

Emotionalism or Ritualism — Or the Best of Both? (Dec. 1999)