The Narthex
Common-Home Confusion
Do we have a 'moral duty' to accept all refugees and immigrants legal and illegal?
By John M. Grondelski | January 23rd 2025 10:01 PMIf you own a home, how many guests do you have to welcome? Most normal people would say, “As many or as few a I want. There is no obligation to have guests.” If you asked those people, “And how many of those guests should be allowed to move in…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPrivileged Lectors
Contra their self-satisfied delusions, leftist religious activists don't 'speak truth to power'
By John M. Grondelski | January 22nd 2025 1:45 PMYesterday Washington Episcopal “Bishop” Mariann Edgar Budde’s "lectored" a captive Donald Trump and J.D. Vance during her National Cathedral sermon ("lectored" is my neologism: "lecture" plus "hector"). Budde pressed the President and Vice President to show “mercy” to “LGBT” children and immigrants who “pick our crops and clean our buildings.”…
READ FULL BLOG POSTBehavior at Funerals
At Jimmy Carter's state funeral, much attention was focused on the living presidents
By John M. Grondelski | January 15th 2025 12:00 PMWatching the Carter state funeral at National Cathedral, I couldn’t help but notice how much attention was focused on the five Presidents. One of the few times Americans see all their living former, current, and -- at Carter’s funeral -- future presidents in one place is when one of them…
READ FULL BLOG POSTParental Rights at Stake in Virginia
An upcoming pro-abortion amendment will smuggle in a boatload of sexual & gender ideology
By John M. Grondelski | January 13th 2025 12:57 PMWith the new year comes a new session of the Virginia Legislature, and job one of the Democrat-dominated chambers this week is writing a pro-abortion amendment into the state constitution. H.J. Res. 1 and S.J. Res. 247 will likely hit the floor in at least the lower chamber this week;…
READ FULL BLOG POSTThe Dogma Lives Loudly in Democrats
Anti-Christianity, especially anti-Catholicism, is still the last respectable prejudice
By John M. Grondelski | January 8th 2025 1:47 PM“The dogma lives loudly in you” was the late Senator Dianne Feinstein’s 2017 summary of now-U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Catholic faith when she was nominated for a Court of Appeals position. Feinstein was rightly criticized at the time for what sounded like -- and was -- anti-Catholic…
READ FULL BLOG POSTWe Should End Lame Duck Congresses
Leaders who lost their electoral mandate are rushing through major decisions
By John M. Grondelski | December 4th 2024 3:26 PMOn November 5, the American people decisively elected Donald Trump as president. They put the Senate in Republican control and left the House of Representatives in Republican hands. The message of the election was an end to “business as usual.” Did that message reach Congressional Democrats? No. In the past…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #16
Ersatz Religion: Partyism... Don’t Get Your Christmas Tree Yet... A St. Andrew’s Surprise?... and more
By John M. Grondelski | November 29th 2024 5:44 PMThe Human Shield Dilemma I’ve long argued that the Church, and particularly the current pontificate, are derelict in not conducting serious discussions about just war theory and contemporary warfare (including the use of human shields and urban warfare). Failure to address these issues suggests what George Weigel has highlighted: a…
READ FULL BLOG POSTCivic Voting Education
Such would foster legislative analysis that highlights the basic goods of human flourishing
By James Hanink | November 27th 2024 12:55 PMHave you ever been to a Town Hall gathering? Not I. City Hall, yes, and there to fight its folly. But now, lo and behold, I’ve been invited to a Town Hall event and even asked to contribute. Here on the Left Coast, where California Dreamin’ is always in play,…
He may have died 2,000 years ago, but his voice still rings in the halls of the Praetorium
By John M. Grondelski | November 25th 2024 12:23 PMThings sometimes appear in social media seemingly out of nowhere, though one suspects they surface as “click-bait” created to generate readers’ reactions. That’s what I thought on Sunday when my feed resurfaced a talk by National Public Radio chief executive Katherine Maher (her talk is linked below). The video…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #15
Many Faces of Scrooge... Why Do People Copy the Gothic?... Seventh Century Colonialism... and more
By John M. Grondelski | November 22nd 2024 12:41 PMWorld Vasectomy Day Nov 21-22 is the 12th Annual "World Vasectomy Day," an annual "celebration" during which vans prowl some neighborhoods offering male sterilization. Since 2022 the act has been designated a sign of male "ally-ship" with post-Dobbs women by "taking responsibility" for fertility. Such euphemistic claptrap has become so normalized…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRandom Ruminations #14
The Bald and the Unbeautiful... Seasonal Help... Where's the Imam?... A Swan... and more
By John M. Grondelski | November 14th 2024 1:09 PMThe Bald and the Unbeautiful Head shaving has been among the jejune reactions of some frenzied women to Kamala Harris’s implosion. Social media is full of these virtue signalers demonstrating why haircuts should only be done by trained professionals. I’m surprised Biden’s FDA has not demanded warning disclaimers on these…
READ FULL BLOG POSTPost-Election Meltdowns
A warning to Leftists: you have chosen to worship strange gods
By John M. Grondelski | November 8th 2024 7:04 PMSocial media is beset by hysterical women and soy boys having collective hissy-fits and meltdowns that their country has “betrayed” them by electing Donald Trump. A certain Schadenfreude has led to re-postings of breakdowns, and to normal people asking whether they're real. Alas, they are real. They're real and they…
On buzzwords and on reaching Mars sometime soon
By James Hanink | October 16th 2024 6:11 PMA respected, and now suspected, newspaper once pledged to give subscribers “All the news that’s fit to print.” Today, that same paper violates its pledge both by commission and omission. Time for a new slogan? Here’s a suggestion: “All the propaganda that will fit.” And yet I read the rag,…
READ FULL BLOG POSTIt's Columbus Day, Not Indigenous Peoples' Day
The idea of a government-recognized holiday named after a group of people is odd
By James Thunder | October 10th 2024 10:58 AMThe District of Columbia and other jurisdictions have passed laws to re-name Columbus Day Indigenous Peoples’ Day or Native Americans Day. In 2021, President Biden proclaimed Indigenous Peoples’ Day to be celebrated on the same day as Columbus Day. (Given my surname, you might suppose that I favor this development.…
READ FULL BLOG POSTRemembering the Fire of Freedom
Normal people can recall when they saw or were near history-altering events
By John M. Grondelski | October 4th 2024 2:45 PMTim Walz has been called out several times over the accuracy of his claims, most recently about his alleged presence in communist China during the Tiananmen demonstrations of June 1989. During the October 1 Vice Presidential debate, “Knucklehead” Tim walked back his earlier claims to being an eyewitness to history,…